The abundance of life
The boys and girls who have left
Gaping holes in my heart
Let them be free
Let them fly high
I will
Get on byProjects will run over
My bucket will spill
My head will be full
Of love and arts
And friends a plenty
Coffee and Cat Food
Poetry2021 is here... Morning musings with Coffee and Cat Food. Every year I create a new songbook with poetry and lyrics. I started in 2006. 2006-2015 was one giant song book, RocknRoll Night From Hell which is available at The rest i...
The abundance of life
The boys and girls who have left
Gaping holes in my heart
Let them be free
Let them fly high
I will
Get on byProjects will run over
My bucket will spill
My head will be full
Of love and arts
And friends a plenty