It started with a bang
Full of hope and promise
Then it grew from there2021 is here
In just a few weeks
Ollie Oxenfold
We will be taken in
Comfort and ReverieOnly work on the things that bring you joy
Or money
Your time is valuable
Your time is preciousMy hairs are now gray
But I've got a giant table of food
And ideas upon ideas to completeSo much to complete
The fun stuff though
To put your name in the hat
Once again
To win the prize
Not to win
But simply to keep playing the game
The one with my nameThat's the truth
Coffee and Cat Food
Poesia2021 is here... Morning musings with Coffee and Cat Food. Every year I create a new songbook with poetry and lyrics. I started in 2006. 2006-2015 was one giant song book, RocknRoll Night From Hell which is available at The rest i...