phone call ( Yamaguchi's POV)

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as i start walking back from the city, i decide to change my route to stop at tsukki's house before i went home. i dragged my feet along the gravel, kicking small rocks below me. i put my hands in my pockets and made the turn onto tsukki's road. i walk aimlessly down the lighted street, gazing at every passing house. when i finally approach the white door, i don't even knock. i turn the knob, inviting myself into the tall blond's house.

"yams? what are you doing here". he says startled. usually he didn't expect me to come over, i just kinda did. "oh yea sorry. i wanted to stop over before going home", i chuckled. "so how'd it go?", he says to me in a monotone voice, not even looking at me.

flashback to earlier when yamaguchi was texting someone on the bench next to kageyama:

1 unopened message:
from: tsukki🦖
sorry to cancel like this, but i can't come. my moms making me watch the house since she's gone for the night.

to: tsukki🦖
it's alright. that kid from practice is here actually. he's just sitting alone

1 unopened message:
from: tsukki🦖
tall black haired one? go talk to him since i'm not there. you don't really interact with other people much. and you need to.

to: tsukki🦖
wow i'm surprised... you actually seem kind of... nice and calm right now?

1 unopened message:
from: tsukki🦖
no. i hate him. just because i can. but i feel bad that i left you there alone. so i suppose i wouldn't be opposed to you just hanging out with him for just tonight.

flash back over

i look at tsukkishima who's staring at the tv screen, sat on a couch in his living room. "uh yea it was okay", i say brushing the back of my neck with my hand. i slick my hand through my hair waiting for a reply. "oh. okay. well, i still don't like him. seems entitled", he snarls. i roll my eyes and sit myself next to him. "no opinion?", he says. i look at him, not expecting him to have carried on with the conversation anymore.

"uh. well. i don't think so. i don't know". tsukkishima rolls his eyes, still staring in-front of him at the screen. i place a hand on my knee, nervously tracing my fingers over it. as it gets late, i start to get up off the couch, stretching as i stand up. "it's late and i'm gonna head home", i say yawning. "you can stay the night if you want?", tsukki says, finally looking up at me. he's seemed jealous of the thought of me and kageyama possibly being friends. yet HES the one who suggested i talk to him in the first place. "i have some school work to catch up on", i lie, just wanting to go home and sleep.

he waves me goodby from the couch, and i put on my shoes, ready to make way home. i check the time to see that it's 1 am. wow. i stayed out way to late. as i walk along the paved sidewalk, i hear my phone ding. i reach into my pocket to check it, the breeze of the wind lightly painting my fingertips.

1 unopened message:
from: unknown number
hey. it's kageyama. i'm guessing your asleep, but i just wasn't tired and was bored

i program in his number to "kageyama😋" and start to type my reply.

to: kageyama😋
i'm not asleep either. what's up? :)

1 unopened message:
from: kageyama😋
honestly nothing, i just can't sleep and there's nothing to do. why are you still up?

to: kageyama😋
i'm not even home right nowww i'm on my way home from tsukki's house

1 unopened message:
from: kageyama😋
woah it's late. are you walking?

to: kageyama😋
yea. i quite obviously can't drive, and i don't have anyone to pick me up at this time. i didn't mean to stay that late :(

1 unopened message:
from: kageyama😋
that's like.. unsafe. it's late and dark. can i call you?

i smile at the message on my phone and a light pink shade spreads across my cheeks.

to: kageyama😋
i mean if you want to

i wait a few seconds before my phone starts ringing.
incoming call from: kageyama😋
i accept it and hold the phone to my ear as i continue walking.

"hey", he says in a low tired voice. "hi", i say awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. "sorry if this is weird i'm just really bored and no one else is awake", he sighs. "no it's okay i get it. i like having a friend to talk to", i say. "especially when i'm walking home alone at 1 am", i add, giggling. "yea. you're fun to talk to, even if i've only known you for a day", he laughs.

"your the first person i've really talked to on the team, so sorry if i seem a little intense and straight forward all too soon. i just wanna have at least one familiar person at practice", he says, which makes me smile. "sooo what your saying is you wanna become friends?" i tease as i finally make way up to my front door. "yea. that'd be cool. hanging out with you was fun".

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