first practice (Yamaguchi's POV)

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i step into the line next to all the other players in the Karasuno gym. i don't listen much as the other players introduce themselves, i just stare at the ground infront of me, thinking. i look up when i feel a cold, large, hand on my shoulder.

"your overthinking. when it's your turn just say your name and what year you are. that's all. you'll be okay". it's tsukkishima. we have been best friends since we were kids. he knows about how shy i am and how i hate having all attention on me like that. i nod my head and look back down at the floor. tadashi yamaguchi. first year. that's all i have to say. tadashi yamaguchi. first year. wait do i say what year i am or my age? year right?

my thoughts are interrupted as a tall, lanky, dark haired boy starts to speak. "kageyama tobio. first year", he says sternly. he has a pretty face, and big dark blue eyes. i study him carefully as he walks back into place, and i must've been staring too long, because i feel a nudge at my side. "your up" tsukkishima whispers.

i slowly trot up a few steps form where i've been standing in line. "tadashi yamaguchi. first year" i say as quiet as possible, staring at the floor beneath me. i grow hot with all the eyes on me, but i grow even hotter as i'm walking back into my spot, as i feel the dark blue eyes directly on me. he's looking at me. oh god. does he hate me already? we've never even spoken. i barely even listen to the captains who are introducing themselves.

oh god he's still staring at me. i feel my face go a bit red. i get to tune in to what the captains are saying, but i'll i hear is the last part of the rules. "and lastly, you cannot date anybody else on the team. i'm sure this won't be a problem, but we're suppose to say it every year. it's because it would just cause problems and affect the way we all play". i look over to tsukkishima who gives a face that seems to object the rule. nobody else would be able to tell except me. i know him better than anyone. i know all his faces.

i look down, not really thinking about anything. i had no opinion on the rules. i don't really talk much to anyone besides tsukki, so it shouldn't be that much of a problem. the captains divide us into teams to practice. i cling to tsukki, not wanted to be separated. "yams we probably won't be together all the time" he says sternly. i just continue looking down. he shakes his head and says nothing. and sure enough, we are separated. i get out onto a court to practice my serves.

i pull at my sleeves, not liking being away from tsukki, but i soon get over it when i start practicing my serves. first serve. it hit the net. i shake my head, frustrated. second serve. it's out. i look down again clenching my fists. i look up at the ceiling trying my best to focus, but it feels like someone's watching me. i quickly scan the room, but everyone seems to be practicing. i try again. third serve. it goes over! i sigh in victory as i finally did one right. this time, i decide to scan the room again. and my eyes are met by that same blue eyes boy from before.

we lock eyes for a moment before he quickly turns his head. what's that about? i brush it off and continue practicing. we all practice for hours more before it's time to leave. we all gather together at one end of the court.

"does anyone wanna volunteer to clean up?" the captain says. no thanks. i wanna get home as soon as possible. "me and tsukki have to make it home for curfew", i'm quick to say. i latch onto the blond and we both start to head home. as we make it out the door, he shakes me off. "what's up with you today? so clingy. and what's up with that one boy. he wouldn't stop staring at you? do i need to beat someone up". my face goes red as i figure out who he's talking about.

"no no. i think he was just interested in the way i play. that's all. i've never even talked to him before" i quickly shut him down. the truth is, i don't know what i think of that blue eyed boy. he's mysterious. i don't know anything about him. i've never even talked to him. the both of us walk home together in silence after that.

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