lilac (Yamaguchi's POV)

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kageyama's mind seemed to wander after i asked him to help me with my serves. he stared at me blankly for seconds too long, his dark hair falling perfectly just barely infront of his eyes. "kageyama?", i said quietly to gain his attention back. his eyes flickered and he seemed to join reality again. his face went hot as he looked at me again. he nodded his head, going quiet as we walked over to an open net.

"show me what you've got so far", he said stepping back allowing me to show him my serve. i stepped up, placing the ball into my left hand. i threw it up a bit infront of me, taking a few steps up to follow it. as my right hand met the ball in the air, it gracefully glided through to the other side. it was soon met halfway by the net, which it hit, falling to the floor.

kageyama silently looked me up and down again, thinking. he got a bit closer, "you aren't throwing it high enough". i nodded, and tried again. i tried to do exactly as he said, over and over again. but the ball continued going directly into the net every time. i tried one last time before getting frustrated. i bent down, panting, placing my hands on my knees. kageyama was quick to calm me down, standing me back up.

"let me help. i think it's the approach. the way you're throwing it up". my face went red as kageyama came closer. he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, guiding my hands on the ball. he did this, guiding my hands on the right way to throw the ball up. the warmth of his arms caused me to look away, as i was nervous too make eye contact. i could tell he felt nervous as-well by the way he was practically shaking. i could see his face blush pink as he finally stepped away, allowing me to try on my own.

this time, as my hand met the ball, it was at a much higher point, allowing it to travel over the net and onto the other side of the court. kageyama celebrated with me quietly, cheering me on. over my shoulder i felt someone watching me, and i turned to meet eyes with tsukki. he walked directly up to kageyama, shoving into him purposefully.

kageyama catches himself before hitting the floor. tsukkishima continued walking as if nothing had happened. "BOKE! if you weren't so stupid you could've seen where you were going!" kageyama screams at tsukishima, who's clenching his fists until his knuckles are bright white. i notice tsukishima has a weird smirk on his face.

"you idiot. you should've seen me too" he argues back, smiling at the same time, almost in a taunting way. kageyama pushes tsukishima, which makes daichi step in to pull him back. tsukishima jumps at kageyama, grabbing him out from daichi's grasp. he throws him against the wall, pinning him to it. i run to them, panicking trying to pull tsukkishima away.

kageyama uses all his force to kick out tsukishima's legs. tsukishima falls onto the floor and kageyama jumps on top of him. i sit back, watching, as there isn't much i can do. so much for all of us being friends.

"get off me you idiot!", he says shoving kageyama down. daichi, suga, and asahi immediately jump in the middle to try and break things up. i join them, pulling tsukki off and dragging him outside. i slam the door behind us as i throw him up against the wall harshly. "what the fuck is your problem. what the FUCK was that", i yell, getting in his face a bit. he just laughs. he laughs down at me. the strength in me disappears, and i let go of him, turning to walk away. "listen", i hear him say.

"i just, don't have to like him". i continue walking, going back into the gym as if he hadn't said anything. when i come back in, kageyama immediatly spots me. "yamaguchi. i forgot to ask. do you wanna hang out tonight? like a late night hang out?". i stutter a bit before responding, brushing my hair out of my eyes. "uh- um. yea. if you want too". kageyama looks down nervously and awkwardly. "great. uh, i'll meet you at your house at like, 1am if that isn't too late for you?". i smile. "sounds great", i say trying not to make too much eye contact.

eventually after listening to daichi talk, we all wave eachother goodbye, and i quickly speed walk out of the gym. i don't wait for tsukki, or kageyama, i just walk out onto the path in the direction of kiyoko's house. when i step up onto her porch, i ring the doorbell. i pace back and forth waiting for her to answer. i wait for around 2 minutes before i get a phone call from her.


"yamaguchi. just let yourself in. i'm in my room and can't open the door right now".

i hang up the phone and slowly open the door to her medium sized house. i prance up the stairs, knocking softly on her bedroom door before going in.

"yamaguchi. what's up?". i sit on her bed, trying my best to think of how to explain the way i feel for kageyama, and how we're hanging out tonight. but then i stop myself, not knowing if i should. we haven't known eachother that long at all. but i don't know. it just feels weird and i don't know how to explain it. i stop myself from saying anything, and i look to kiyoko.

"what are you doing?", i tilt my head. kiyoko lifts her hands up to show me. "i'm painting my nails", she goes back to finishing her nails, waiting minutes for them to dry. while she finished, i sat quietly, talking to her about small random things, and even asking for advice about tsukki. i even told her about the situation with kageyama and tsukishima.

when kiyoko finally finished her nails, she stood up, sitting next to me on the bed. she took one of my hands in hers, carefully examining them. "yamaguchi", she said quietly. i looked at her, tilting my head to the side again. "what is it?". she placed my hand in her lap softly. "you know, i can paint your nails too if you want? i notice you keep looking at mine. can i paint yours? only if you want me to though".

i was surprised she'd noticed, as i only looked at them a couple of times. they looked so pretty and the colour fit her really well. i nodded, and she brought a bottle over to where i was. "this one will look good on you". she took my hand in hers and started painting on a light purple lilac colour. i smiled at her. we stayed silent, until she finally said something.

"you like someone. i can tell. but don't tell me anything about it until YOU are ready too. okay?". i smiled at her, sort of confused. when she finally finished my nails, she pulled me up, gently bringing me over to her mirror. she stood next to me looking into it. "see. i told you it'd look pretty on you". i smiled, because it really did. she was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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