the town (Kageyama's POV)

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as i watch the pair leave the gym together (tsukishima and yamaguchi), i can't help but feel heated. and almost disappointed. i barely even know this kid. i should just forget about it. i shift my attention back to the captain and i tug at my sleeve, trying to distract myself a bit more. hinata seems pretty decent. but so is that blond boy. i shake my head feeling a hand on my shoulder. i look up to see the other setter smiling at me. "you did great today", he said softly to me before leaving the gymnasium, along with everyone else. i also go home, leaving the two shortest players to clean up the gym.

while walking down the smooth route to my house, i decide to take a detour. i take a right and just start walking, not caring where exactly i'm going. i walk for about 45 minutes, eventually making it to the town. i look around at the brightly coloured pastel lights that light up the town around me. i walk around in some stores but don't end up buying anything, as i didn't find anything too particularly interesting. after walking for around an hour i stop to sit on a bench and just relax a bit.

i look around fascinated by the lights around me.  my eyes light up and i feel completely numb to the world around me as i focus on all the pretty things surrounding me. i'm brought out of my focus when i feel someone sit on the bench next to me. i jolt my head to the right, and my gaze is on the boy from before. we stare at each other for a second before he speaks up. although he never actually looks up when he speaks.

"hey", he says quietly. "i noticed you sitting here. what are you doing out here in the town alone?", he says shy and curiously. i stutter trying to find the right words to say. "i- i- uh just was walking around. i was just bored and stopped here before going home", i say returning the action of looking down at the space on the bench that's just barely between us. a long silence approaches us making things a little uneasy and awkward.

"tadashi". he says softer than before. he had a unique voice. not too particularly deep or raspy, but just right. i look up at him who's looking in my eyes this time. he says it again but a little louder this time. "tadashi. tadashi yamaguchi" he says to me, his eyes sparkling and glassy with every word. his name. tadashi yamaguchi. i didn't exactly catch his name enough to remember it at the practice, as i was too focused on just looking at him. i nod at him putting out my hand.

"kageyama tobio" i say hesitantly. after that the two of us sit in silence looking around for a bit. after some time i start to get curious as to what he's doing here. i rub the back of my neck to ease my nerves before talking again. "so, if i can ask, how come you're here alone? and how come you aren't actually walking around or anything while your here?". once it comes out of my mouth, i realize how rude it sounds and i go to correct myself but he interrupts me.

"me and tsukishima were gonna meet here. but something came up for him and he couldn't make it. and i'm not walking around because i don't want to just leave you alone here", he says nervously running his hands on the bench. he's just sitting here doing nothing because he doesn't want me to have to be alone? without thinking, i smile a bit. he smiles back at me before looking to his phone. after he sends a text to someone (who i assume to be tsukishima) i feel him grab my hand a pull me up off the bench.

"here. lets do something. since we both happen to be here together and have nothing else to do. what if we walk around together? we can go get something to eat. have you eaten yet?". the sudden mood change in him is overwhelming, and i can tell that was out of his comfort zone. he doesn't seem like the type that finds it easy to interact with people like that. especially ones he had just met. "no", i say, following him wherever he's taking me. i can almost feel his energy radiating off him as he pulls me outside of a restaurant.

"it's one of my favorites", he says quietly, staring up at the sign. we both walk inside and wait to be seated. we both sit across from each other and start talking to each other more and more comfortably throughout the dinner. i found out a lot more about him. "it's weird," he starts. "i usually get worked up and stressed when i have to talk to people. but when i saw you i just kinda, felt comfortable. almost like we were meant to be friends". i smiled at that and we continued slowly talking to each other more.

when it was time to pay, he insisted on paying. i of course refused to let him pay, and payed for the both of us. we walk into a few stores and eventually conclude our night. before we part ways, he takes my phone out of my hands and puts something in it. "my number", he says shortly, before quickly turning around and parting ways with me. he's definitely something else. kinda odd. one minute he's super awkward and shy, and the next he's super talkative and enthusiastic. ever since he sent that text earlier, he seems way more out going. i wonder who he was texting?

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