Chapter 22: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

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Toshi had to hand it to his sister, she'd found the perfect distraction. 

Bakugo shouted profanities as he leaped up from the floor, having been tripped pitifully just a few moments ago. Reiko was snickering, and based off of the expression on Ryo's face, he could tell she was trying to smother a laugh.

The rest of the students were either helping Bakugo up (who then responded to their charity by telling them he wasn't some old hag and could get up by himself), laughing, or simply speechless. 

Toshi did a quick scan of the room, and found that Momo was still chatting quietly with Mina. His eyebrows narrowed and he was about to go confront them when Mina got up and disappeared down the corridor. She soon returned with a bottle of water.

He shrugged. Okay, so she was thirsty. Totally nothing to freak out over-

-But Toshi didn't have much time to freak out, because before he knew it, Mina was standing right next to him and his sister, emptying out her water bottle over their heads. Chilliness swept through his body as the cool liquid cascaded over his face and soaked his clothing. Ryo let out a whimper as the freezing water hit her, but Toshi closed his eyes and waited for the sensation to be over. After a second or two, the waterfall became a steady drip and soon halted. He grabbed his face with his hand, wiping any remaining droplets from his eyelids.

When his vision cleared, he saw Mina, hands over her hips, and the entire class staring at them in awe.

He raised an eyebrow and Ryo nudged him, pointing towards the ground. The water had pooled underneath their feet.

Swirls of thick, inky black tainted the clear purity.

Well, shit.

He glanced over at Ryo, whose eyes were blank and filled with one emotion Toshi knew all too well - failure. But what caught his attention was that her hair was now ombre - brown fading into black. 

"Care to explain?" Momo asked, pointing to the wash-off hair dye bottle. 

Ryo shrugged. "I...I guess lying is pointless now. Toshi?"

He nodded. Where would fibbing take them? Deeper into the intricate web of lies they'd weaved?

Reiko rolled her eyes. "So much for that plan."

.                 .              . 

Ryo rubbed her sweaty palms on her skirt for the hundredth time as she sat, trying to remember her name. Who was the person sitting next to her, who looked vaguely like a boy version of herself? Who was the hot head sitting on her right, chewing on her lip and placing her feet on the table like she owned the place?

Who were these blank faces, each one swarming with questions she didn't want to give the answers to?

The sound of someone clearing their throat jolted her back into reality, and the vivid colors returned. Right. What question were they on?

"So," Momo held up the empty water bottle, "Why did you steal the dye? Who are you?"

Ryo clutched the towel that was draped across her back.  She was still shivering from the ambush, yet she miraculously brought herself to still.

"Well, you already know our names. I'm Ryo, that's Toshinori, and to my right is Reiko."

The classroom audiences' voices dissolved into a frazzled murmur. Toshinori? Sounds familiar...yeah, isn't that a coincidence? Obviously more than is a common name, but...

"Toshinori?" piped a timid voice. Ryo looked up.


"Yeah," Toshi comfirmed, looking much more interested in his fingernails than the conversation at hand. "Got a problem with that, Perm Boy?"

Reiko guffawed. "Good one, ya ass."

Ryo sighed and leaned over to whisper into Toshi's ear. "Really? Was that necessary?"

"The real question here is, why aren't we insulting our parents now that we have the chance?"

Ryo stared at him. Blinked. He looked up at her and smiled, nearly sheepish.


"Right," Ryo chuckled nervously. "So, erm, I think you already know that we aren't from here. Truth is, we're not from this time period."

Momo placed a hand to her chin. "And what should that imply?"

"Well, uh..."

"It means we're not from this time period, idiot," Reiko spat. "Aren't you supposed to be smart or something?"

"Reiko!" Ryo chastised, but as usual, it did no good. Luckily, Momo wasn't the type to divert her attention to Reiko's meaningless insults, and she continued her questioning without a single flush of anger or clench of her fists.

"Are you trying to say you've come from the past?"

"The future, actually. A quirk sent us here."

"I see," Momo mused. "How many years into the future?"

"Erm...about fifteen?"

The entire class broke into a frenzy. Confusion and excitement filled the air as everyone began to ramble with their own theories. Some thought they came from a completely different future, others though they had arrived to fix something in the past, and others thought they were just flat out lying. 

Momo held up a hand, silencing the others. "And why are you here?"

"Some random bitch sent us back here," Toshi said. "We don't know who she is or what her motives were."

"So we're just..." Ryo gestured to the walls of the common room, "stuck here."

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