Chapter Three: Realization

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It's funny, really, how emotions can change so easily, so quickly that your body doesn't have time to react. The minute Ryo saw that familiar pink skin and curious golden eyes, she was sure that the mysterious woman's quirk was teleportation, and that they'd landed right in Aunt Mina's backyard. 

Oh, how wrong she was.

Despite her gorgeous looks and youthful appearance, the girl in front of them was most definitely not their aunt. For one, she was too young and practically looked their age. She was also wearing a school uniform, which made no sense considering that their aunt was a graduated pro hero.

These questions bounced around in Ryo's head, and she felt her throat painfully constrict. Uneasiness gurgled in the pit of her gut. They were alive. That was good. The sun was shining, the grass was green, and humans surrounded them. She should've been happy.

But something told her there was more to this than what she could see. 

As of right now, she would have to deal with the Mina right in front of them- the girl who was shooting them a confused look and haughtily griping her hips.

"Aunt Mina?" she repeated, staring at them.

Ryo scurried to cover up her tracks. "Ah, sorry. Wrong person."

Mina didn't seem to buy it, but she didn't question them and fidgeted with the straps of her bag, as if she was in a hurry to get somewhere. "Okay? I've never seen you two around here before, you new?"

Toshi timidly spoke up. "No, we, uh-..."

Ryo internally groaned. Her brother was a horrible liar, and though she wasn't much better herself and usually despised untruths of any sort, she would do what had to be done in any needed circumstance. Just as she was about to smother her brother's uncertainty with words of her own, though, Mina spoke up again.

"Actually, now that I look at you guys, you look kind of familiar. Maybe I have seen you two around?" She peered in closer as to scan for any missed details. Ryo flinched. Time to change the subject.

"Nah, we're new to this city. We come from Tokoyo," she explained, moving her hands around wildly. 

"Really? I've been there once, it's so busy...oh shoot! I should be at lunch!" she jolted out of her slouched position and gave them a weak smile. "I've got to go!"

"Wait," Toshi's still voice cut through and Mina glanced over at him. 


"Could you tell us the date? We don't have a device on us right now."

Ryo gaped at her brother. She hadn't heard a single stutter or hint of hesitation within those sentences, which was odd because he always hindered away from new people he was unfamiliar with. Maybe it was because this person looked like their aunt, but he and Ashido-san were never close to begin with. Images of her taunting his shy behavior at get-togethers flashed through her mind and she couldn't help but smirk a little. Toshi really was something else.

 Mina hurriedly swiped her fingers on the hot pink phone nestled in her palms. "It's April 15, 2100," she replied, flipping the device around so that they could see.

She felt her heavily thumping heart skip a beat. And then another. Her eyes widened and she shook her head to dispel the shock from her face and appear casual.

"Thanks," he said curtly, and before Ryo could flash the girl a cheeky, definitely not suspicious smile, Toshi grabbed her arm and dragged her behind a large, H-shaped building. A cold breeze sifted through the stretching shadows that reflected off of the rusty-colored walls. The two stood right in front of a tinted window and she yanked her arm from his grip.

"Toshi?" she glared at him. "Why'd you do that? I needed to ask for more-"

"Information. But we already have plenty." He glanced away. "Her quirk. It has to be time travel."

"Well of course it is!" she snapped, suddenly annoyed and moody. The feelings she had put down earlier upon discovering their time period were now arising. They were at least ten-no, twenty years in the past. The situation wasn't that they were too far, too deep, too dead for them to ever find a way out- no, they weren't even in the same time period as their family, or friends, or...


Out of nowhere, Ryo suddenly began bawling, fat, ugly tears streaming down her face. If there was one thing she had inherited from her father, it was the tendency to cry. Unlike him, however, she cried in the worst circumstances and only the worst circumstances.

Toshi sighed and allowed her to cry on his chest, pulling her into his arms. She was a little shocked- after all, her brother, someone who she'd grown in the same womb with, never really allowed her to get close to him. He was her go-to for battle training because they worked so well together, yet he always seemed distant.

As of now, however, it appeared he was feeling similar, even if his stoic face didn't show that emotion. She sat on the soft grass and wept quietly in his arms, and just as she thought her tear ducts were done, another memory passed through her head and salty water welled up in her eyes. 

After a while, she glanced up to see her Toshi's serene face, his brown strands of hair billowing in the wind. His green eyes darted down at her and he gave her a rare smile.

"You done?" he asked sarcastically, destroying the image of warmth he had. She rolled her eyes and chuckled, wiping her tired eyes. At least she still had him.

"Y-yeah," she stuttered. 

"I suggest we come up with a game plan, now that you're done crying yourself a river," he stated plainly. Ryo groaned but had no energy to spit out a decent retort and instead simply nodded.

"Let's review," she said. "We're in 20XX, April 15?"

"That means it's the beginning of the school year," Toshi confirmed.

"Auntie was wearing a school uniform!" Ryo realized. "So we must be on school grounds at the moment."

"Not just any school," Toshi intervened. "U.A."

She hadn't noticed that earlier, but that was probably because she had been so freaked out and confused. All of her acquired knowledge had gone boom in seconds.

"Okay," she said. "So now what? How long do you think this woman's quirk lasts?" She left out, 'Is it permanent?'

"We don't know. What we can do is try to last as long as we can in this time period. The sensible thing ot do would be to remain on the U.A grounds, in case the portal re-opens in the same spot."

"But there's no way we can stay here! We aren't students."

Toshi smirked and picked up Ryo's and his journals. "Not yet we aren't."


AHah it's finally out. Next chapter will probably come tomorrow. Also, the Japanese school year starts in April, and Class 1-A AKA Class 2-A just started their new year. I also put the year as 20XX because I don't know what year the story takes place and thus can't give an exact date. 


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