Chapter Nine: Ghosts

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"So," Ryo began, pacing around the room. "You're telling me you ate all of their food?"

Toshi leaned nonchalantly against the bed. "I don't see the problem."

"You didn't answer the question." 

He shrugged, his knees supporting the red book in his lap. He scribbled in a few lines the other day, but hadn't really written much since he'd spent the majority of his time there sleeping. Just as he had flipped open his journal, however, Ryo had come to him with some strange news.

"Well, yeah, I ate some," he admitted. Late at night, with his sister sleeping like a log, he had crept out and snuck armfuls of snacks from the kitchen cabinet and gorged on them in the bathroom (there had been no other options). He hadn't really been thinking of anything else but his appetite, and the consequences weren't anything close to what he'd imagined.

Ryo flung her body onto the bed and made what Toshi could only identify as disgruntled, annoyed noises. "They think there's a ghost in the dorms, stealing all of their snacks!"

He snorted. "Sounds rational."

"I'm not joking. Not all of them believe it, but some do and the rumor is spreading like wildfire."

He chewed on his pencil tip and made a note to write about how he started a ghost rumor. "So, it wouldn't help if I stole more snacks tonight, would it?"

She sighed. "I'm not even going to answer that."

"I'll take that as a 'yes,'" he replied smoothly, setting his journal down on the floor and stretching his legs. "But really, who cares if they think there's a ghost? More of an excuse to steal food, if you ask me."

"Aizawa already gives us food," she reminded him. "If he catches whiff that snacks have been going missing, he'll know it's us. What if he kicks us out?"

"He's too nice to do that," Toshi said, sarcasm heavy in his tone. 

"Is he really?"

"I was joking," he deadpanned. 

"I'm not." she shot back. "If you don't stop, I'm going to stay up and make sure you don't leave this room at night. I'm not letting you get us in trouble. We could be in worse situations, but we were lucky we at least landed here. I'd like our luck to remain untarnished, thank you very much."

"Never thought you were a superstitious one, Ryo," he commented.

"That's not what I meant."

"Of course it wasn't."

.                  .                  .

Ryo seriously hadn't been joking.

Toshi had originally planned to go out at night to collect snacks, but true to her word, she was still sitting up and reading her hero notebook late into the night. Every time he turned around and cracked his eyelid open, there she was, still reading and not showing any signs of stopping. He hadn't even heard her yawn.

After watching his sister, hum softly to herself while flipping pages for millenia, he decided to shift his snack-looting plan to the next day and be obedient all through the day, that way she would think he had lost interest in sneaking out at night. After falling asleep (really, it wasn't hard) he woke up in the middle of the night.

And heard snoring.

Toshi sat up and rubbed his eyes, and when he opened them he saw Ryo sprawled across the futon with her journal slipping out of her hands, sleeping contentedly. He had no idea what time it was, but he wasn't going to waste it. After checking with a few pokes to the cheek that she was knocked out, he slowly got off the bed and tip-toed towards the door, praying to the stars that it wouldn't make any annoying creaking noises.

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