Chapter Seven: The Snack Problem

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Faint scribbling and the scent of something sweet was what awoke Ryo the next morning. Her eyes lazily opened and she stared at the ceiling for a bit, before sitting up and stretching. Her brother was already up, much to her surprise. Toshi's sleep schedule was quite the mystery- some nights he'd sleep until past lunch, and other times he would wake up at four AM to train. In this case, though, she had expected him to take advantage of the fact that they would be holed up all day. Guess for once, he was willing to be productive. 

She let out a yawn and arched her stiff back, glancing over to where that sweet smell was coming from. Her eyes drifted onto the muffin that Toshi held within his grasp. It was clearly bitten into several times and he was currently chewing a bit of it while rapidly writing in his notebook. A single blueberry muffin lay next to him on a plastic platter, enticingly beckoning her over.

"Good morning," Toshi mumbled, his voice muffled by the crumbs of goodness. He stopped writing for a moment to offer her the muffin she'd been staring at. She took it eagerly and began eating, savoring the morning silence. 

"So, did Aizawa-sensei drop off some breakfast for us?" she asked, taking a third bite. Toshi didn't look up from his journal when he responded, "No, I went out this morning to use the restroom and found some food."

She put a hand over her mouth in disgust. "In the restroom? Toshi, you've got to be kidding me."

"I never said I found food in the restroom. When I was leaving, I found the kitchen on my way back. Helped myself."

"Oh." Ryo let her shoulders relax and she finished up the final crumbs. "Wait. The kitchen?"

"No, the trash can."

She sighed. "If you found this in the kitchen, it was probably someone else's breakfast."

Toshi raised an eyebrow. "And?"

Ryo groaned. "These aren't ours."

"I already know that. I just don't care. Whoever owns these didn't travel through time, now did they?"

"That's not an excuse."

"Sure sounds like a good one to me!" Toshi said merrily, tossing his muffin wrapper onto the plastic plate he'd brought in. He leaned back, his red notebook sprawled on his lap. "The students finish breakfast in a few minutes, and apparently we have an appointment with Aizawa about how accurate our story is. Let's make sure not to mess this up."

"More like let's make sure you don't mess it up," Ryo replied playfully, nudging him in the chest. He softly smiled and picked up his pencil, twirling it around his fingers listlessly while they waited for the relentless chatter outside the door to grow faint, then disappear. 

Ryo sat up from her spot on the futon. "Okay, let's see if it's clear."

Toshi leaped off the bed, surprisingly energetic, and creaked the door open. "I don't hear or see anyone. All the backpacks on the couches are gone."

She followed him out and into the common room, soaking in the sunlight from the large windows. After being stuck in that suffocating, dark bedroom, she'd been yearning for not only more space to roam, but for the feeling of warmth on her skin that only the sun could bring her. It took an awful lot of willpower to not prance and frolic around like an idiot.

Toshi glanced around before sitting down on the sofa, placing his feet up on the table like he always did at home. A pang of sadness fell, but she tried to ignore it. Her stomach was still begging for a little more, so she headed to the kitchen in search of food. Maybe pocky.

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