Chapter 11

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T/W: Mentions of forced vomiting- nothing graphic


Echo's always the first one up.

He blinks- feeling his eyes sting a little- before scanning his new environment. Whether or not the Commander and Captain want to admit it, something is seriously wrong. The ARC thinks they've either been poisoned with hallucinates, or this is a large simulation on Kamino that they were drugged before they entered.

Either way, Echo's learnt to expect the unexpected. Waking up in the middle of a humid jungle isn't a big shock, but the spider crawling onto Fives' sleeping face does make him jump.

Fives lets out a howl when he's awoken with a sharp smack to his cheek, "What the heck, Echo?"

"I might've just saved your life, vod," Echo says without any hint of an apology in his tone. Who knows how toxic the splattered spider on the ground could've been?

Fives sits up, rubbing his face tenderly as he spots the spider. He visibly shivers, "I hate creepy crawlies."

"I know." Echo stands, testing the sturdiness of the ground before offering a hand to his brother. "No sign of the others."

"Sure about that?" Fives points to the distance, and Echo finds himself squinting to see the tell-tale blue and white of Ahsoka's montrals. The outside of his vision seems a little fuzzy- probably from whatever drug has been injected into him.

The ARCs hop the stream to reach the others- Fives making a loud splash in an attempt to make them jump, but the clones remain sleeping. Echo rubs the back of his neck, swatting away some pesky flies as Fives kneels next to Commander Tano who's leaning against a tree.

It's starting to feel like a movie- with how odd everything is.

"Commander," Fives shakes her shoulder, and Echo narrows his eyes at the scar crossing over her montrals. It's from the anooba attack- however long ago that was. Hours, days, weeks, months? "Ahsoka, wake up!"

"Wha..." Ahsoka rubs her eyes as if she can't believe what she's seeing, "Fives? Echo?"

"In the flesh, sir," Echo says, moving to Rex so he can wake the Captain. "Up and at them, brother."

"I knew you tossers would survive the tsunami." Rex grumbles as he wakes up, the other members of the 501st following suit- slowly but surely, "It seems we all did- somehow."

"Tsunami?" Fives scoffs whilst a frown marks Echo's face. The ARCs exchange a brief look. "You've got to be kidding. There was no tsunami."

"Then what happened to you two?" Rex shoots back.

"We went scouting, Captain. Remember?" Echo prompts, only getting looks of confusion in response. It's almost laughable. "You were all caught in a tsunami?"

"I think I drowned." One of the shinies- Solo- says with a frown. Everyone turns to him as he draws his knees to his chest, trembling slightly. "Sergeant Coric tried to help me, but I couldn't keep my head above the surface. I- I think I died."

"You didn't," Ahsoka reassures, moving quickly to put an arm around the kid's shoulders. Solo leans into her touch, and Ridge goes to his other side, offering comfort. Echo feels his heart warm at the sight. "Whatever happened, you're safe now, Solo."

"What about the rest of you?" Rex stands up, looking at his men in turn, "Did you manage to find shelter?"

"We found a cave," Blinder says, gesturing to himself and Chopper. Echo can't help but feel relieved that the scarred veteran finally has someone to call a friend rather than just an acquaintance.

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