Chapter 5

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There's a scuttle of claws against steel as the Commander walks towards the Queen, bowing when she is a few feet away, "Your Majesty, the prisoners have been captured. We are just completing the process of decontamination."

"Excellent." The Queen's mandibles click in satisfaction, "The Host will be most pleased."

Anakin cracks his eyes open, shutting them tightly when the white lights assault his sensitive retinas. For a moment, he stays still, trying to remember the vision that was swirling around his head as he rose out of unconsciousness, but he comes up blank.

The meds, he tells himself, or the sickness itself. For one reason or another, his dreams have been stranger over the past few months.

Taking a deep breath, Anakin tries to get a grip on his surroundings.

He's in the Halls of Healing- that would explain the smell of antiseptic and the dull throb of pain going through his entire body. The memories flood his system; flames against his skin, smoke filling his lungs and the screams of clones who were trapped inside.

"You're awake."

"Obi-Wan," Anakin rasps, slowly turning his head and wincing as the burned skin around his neck rubs against bandages, "How long?"

"Three days." Obi-Wan replies, dragging his chair closer to Anakin's bed, the scraping sound echoing through the room. His former Master looks worn with dark bags under his eyes and his hair dishevelled. "We've been worried, Anakin. Master Che said you've suffered some terrible burns."

"I'm alright," he huffs, even though he's stiff with agony. He can't even tell where exactly the pain is coming from. It hurts the most of his face and back, but he could be missing a leg for all he knows. "The clones?"

"Seventy-two were killed. Over a hundred were injured." Anakin deflates at the casualty statistics. Obi-Wan's look turns sombre, "You managed to save fourteen."

"I should've saved more." Anakin says, feeling guilt weigh heavily on his heart. Seventy-two men are dead because he couldn't get to them in time.

He's supposed to kill droids, not his own soldiers.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan touches his arm gently, "You did everything you could. Commander Fox said you were prepared to jump straight back into the building as it was collapsing. Nobody could've asked for anything more from you."

The Knight frowns, and the skin around his mouth stings. He must've burned his face pretty bad. "I couldn't get Coil."

Obi-Wan says nothing, probably oblivious to who Coil is and how much pain the trooper was in before he died.

"Ah, he's regained consciousness." Master Che's sharp voice cuts through the silence. She appears above his face, her lips twisted in a grimace, "How are you feeling, Skywalker?"

He clears his throat, blocking out the pain that follows, "Crispy."

Master Che doesn't smile, but he sees the amusement sparkle in her eyes as she takes the datapad from the side of his bed, "You suffered damage to your lungs, as well as third degree burns on your face, neck and back."

Anakin grunts, "How long until I can leave?"

"Ever the impatient Jedi." She mutters under her breath before lowering the datapad, "You're extremely fortunate, Skywalker. Whilst you've been unconscious, we have worked tirelessly to heal as many of your injuries as possible. If your stats stay up, I'll discharge you this afternoon."

He hears the click of her boots as she walks away. It's so quiet in the medbay- nothing compared to the chaos of the barracks that night. It's almost too quiet- it's as if something loud is missing; he can't put his finger on what though.

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