Chapter 3

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"Did you hear what I just said?"

Anakin looks up at his wife, scanning her face for any indication of what they were just talking about. He comes up with nothing and curses under his breath, "Sorry, Angel."

Padmé gives him a small smile, even though it's the fifth time he's lost track of their conversations since this morning, "It's fine; it's been a long day."

He glances at the chrono on the wall of her office and groans, "It's not even lunchtime."

When he's on the battlefield, weeks can pass without him realising, but as soon as he has to spend a few days in the Senate Building on Coruscant, it feels like a lifetime.

"I'm sure I would find the front lines just as tiresome as you find politics." Padmé puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, trying to be comforting, but it just makes Anakin feel small.

He slumps his chin in his hand, bored out of his mind, "Can we go home now?"

Padmé sighs above him, "One more meeting, and then we can leave."

Following his wife around her daily duties was not what Anakin had in mind when the Council grounded him.

The work isn't exactly hard- especially not compared to fighting on the front lines- but Anakin finds it difficult. Diplomacy has never been his strong suit, and neither is reading. Politics is all about reading.

His academic skills have been slacking recently. That's another reason why Obi-Wan forced him to see Master Che. The pills don't make him any smarter, but at least he can read three lines without the words jumbling up.

He zones out in the meeting, only catching brief murmurs of 'anti-war terrorism' and 'attacks against military personnel'. For the rest of the conversation, he's in his own world- as per usual- deciding how he's going to kill Dooku at the end of the war.

On the one hand, a straight lightsaber to the chest will be the most efficient way to kill the Count, especially if they're in the midst of a battle.

Although, Force-choking will give the Sith Lord a chance to feel some remorse for all the pain and suffering he's caused across the galaxy. However, from Anakin's own experience, he knows how hard it is to think whilst being Force-choked.

Maybe he should cut the man's limbs off and-

Padmé kicks him gently under the table, bringing him back to reality.

Everyone is staring at him expectantly. Blast. What were they talking about?

Padmé- thank the Force- saves him from humiliation with a small look, "None of your men have been the victims of attacks from the Knights of Freedom, have they, General Skywalker?"

Knights of Freedom?

"Um, no... Senator." Kriff, he can feel his ears heating up. He gets frustrated at himself for not being able to pay attention. What good is he on the battlefield if he can't focus on a Senate meeting?

Before his anger towards himself overboils, Padmé gives him a subtle nod; you said the right thing.

He breathes slowly, willing himself to not overact. It's not a big deal, he says to himself, it's only a Senate meeting with a handful of attendees.

"There are two similarities across the two dozen attacks that have taken place." Commander Fox says, the only person in the meeting- beside Anakin- who has an ounce of military experience. "The clone never sees their attacker, and it's always an attack which deforms part of their face, either through chemical burns, or brunt force."

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