Take A Chance On Me (Chapter 23)

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Chapter 23

Take A Chance On Me

Percy's POV

"You came." I breathed out as I ran to Annabeth and picked her up and swung her around. I'd ditched Jason right after the concert and ran out to find Annabeth.

"Of course!" Annabeth laughed out and hugged me back. "I couldn't miss you any longer and I still had the tickets you gave me on my birthday."

"I'm so glad you didn't throw them away." I whispered as my lips were lingering on hers. And I could've stayed there forever, but Annabeth didn't think so and closed the space between us.

It was a nice one, slow and intimate. But not too passionate since we were in public.

"How long are you staying?" I asked after our kiss, hoping longer than just today. "The whole two weeks. So if it's alright that I tag along?"

"Alright? Beth, that's amazing!" I exclaimed. "I love you." I said and hugged her again, not caring about the people around us.

"I love you too." Annabeth replied and wrapped her arms around my middle.

Then we began walking into the night and I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"It's been a long time since we were face to face, wasn't it?" Annabeth asked while walking and swinging our hands between us.

"Yeah one month and a half. But we haven't seen each other longer." I replied with still a big smile plastered on my face.

"But we weren't together then."

"True." And we walked on in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence.

"Did you like the concert?" I eventually asked, wanted to hear her voice.

"Yes, I loved it, but why were you alone the second half and Jason joining in after a couple of songs?"

"Oh, shit. We have to go to the hospital!" I screamed maybe a little bit too loudly. "Will's in the hospital. Nico went to visit him and Jason dropped him off."

"What? And you forgot!"

"I got distracted." I smiled apologizing. "And I'm sure it's not that bad. Otherwise Nico would've called. And I agreed to meet Jason there so we have to hurry. You can tell me about your flight. That's distracting."

And so we rushed to the hospital with Annabeth telling about her flight.


"We came as fast as we could!" I exclaimed to Jason when I spotted him in the lobby.

"Fast? I waited here for 20 minutes! And we? You are alone, Perce."

I rubbed my neck sheepishly and smiled at him. "I got distracted." And if on cue Annabeth walked into the lobby she was checking where Will was.

"Annabeth!" Jason screamed and the people in the lobby were not happy with us. "Why are you here? Good to see you!" And he went over to hug Annabeth.

And we explained the whole story, more Annabeth telling the story and I grinning madly besides her with my arm around her.

"I know where Will is." Annabeth said while starting to walk and dragging me along with Jason following behind us. "Will's in room 104. Let's go."


Will was not looking too well and neither did Nico. "Hey, how is he?" I asked while walking up to Nico.

"Oh, he's fine he has food poisoning. Just ate the wrong stuff. He's sleeping. We can leave when I sign this stupid documents."

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