Part 5

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"So what did they want you to do?"

"They wanted me to convince you to side with some counsel man for a vote in the next meeting. They thought that since I hadn't yet quit, you were fucking my brains out and because I had your dick I apparently had power over you." Loki laughed briefly and stepped forward.

"Oh, dear. Though if you want this to be our arrangement I have no objections." He cocked an eyebrow at me and I deadpanned.

"I'm more likely to go back to Earth than to crawl into your bed." I sneered. "I stay because I get better treatment here than anywhere else. Because as your maid I have half the work and double the status. I'm willing to put up with this because now that I've beaten everyone else at this game. I have built a reputation. Whether I'm called your whore or not I have seemingly tamed the god of mischief and outlasted any of my predecessors. I will return to Earth one day and whether it is as a punishment, an escape or if I'm rewarded for putting a collar around your throat and make you jump through a hoop but I will get there." I stood there watching his face slacken slightly before going to my chambers before he could tell me off for that little speech. I could feel my words digging me into a hole every time I spoke. I knew this was going to be flung back in my face but right now I was frustrated and embarrassed with the accusation that had been laid at my feet.

Loki's POV

"Whether I'm called your whore or not." There were so much venom and spite behind her words. Those words made me truly see her. Someone who to me had been completely pure and with no emotions other than happiness, sadness and worry. She had been cruelly used by Asgard and was desperate to get back to her life. I had failed to remember that she had been someone before me. She had not sprung into existence to serve me. I knew my thoughts were selfish but still I became angry at her for speaking to me like that. Nothing I could do or say was going to make the situation easier for either of us. And I was sensible enough to know that any words I spoke in anger would haunt me when I was calm.

The counsel men were right in thinking that she was my chain. She had me wrapped around her finger without me even knowing. She could ask for anything and it would happen. It scared me that she had this power over me. She was something so special that I wanted to act like a child with a toy and let no one else near it. It was selfish and cruel to her to do that though.

I walked down the halls and towards my mother's rooms. I passed through the oak doors and went out onto the balcony where I knew she would be having tea at this time.

"Hello dear. What's wrong?"

"Hello. Can't I just have tea with you?"

"For the god of lies and mischief, you are terrible at lying to me. It's that girl isn't it?" I turned away and out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mother smile.

"Ah yes, what councilman Assaran said. She told you what happened then."

"How do you know what happened. Not even I know which councilman it was."

"I have spies all over the castle. It wasn't hard to find out. The rumours have been flying around for a week now. I'm surprised it took this long for people to put two and two together."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"That girl holds your chain and we both know it. We've both known since she arrived, she took one look at you and tamed you. You know that she holds your chain. That is why you sent her on a pointless errand to me, is it not?" I blushed slightly. Sending Y/N on an errand with a blank note had been a stupid thing to do. I had covered up my intentions to myself by treating her like a toy to show her off to Mother when in reality I was showing the person I had decided had power over me.

"Maybe. There's just something about her. When I look at her she's wonderful until I suddenly remember all the things she's said and done. All the times she has said something or done something that had anyone else said or done I would have had them gotten rid of. Since day one she has toed the line. She has done more than her place allows. And now people are assuming that she believes she can do that because they think we're sleeping together and that I allow her to do so." Mother laughed and gave me a look.

"And she is a good storyteller, no?" I whipped my head around.

"What has this got anything to do with it. The woman annoys me to Valhalla and back and you are focusing on her storytelling."

"She annoys you to Vahalla and back because unlike anyone else she isn't scared of you in the slightest. She probably thinks nothing of you and it is new to you. So tell me about the story she told you."

"How? How did you know? We both know that you don't have spies in my quarters."

"My visions are incredibly useful." She took another sip of her tea as she waited for my next words.

"Did you have any others?" I tried and failed to sound less eager. My mother sipped her tea and looked at my pointedly.

"Yes but not ones I can tell you about now. What story did she tell you?"

"She called it Beauty and The Beast. It was about a prince and the woman he fell in love with. It did something. That night. The nightmares were gone. They came back again, but that night they were gone. I slept through the night for the first time I ages."

"Ask her again tonight for another story. Ask every night and they will go away eventually." I drained the rest of my tea, thanked her and left, mind racing.


That night I said goodnight to Loki as I usually did. Something seemed off but I assumed he would tell me if he wanted to. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. I knew he was too much of a stubborn prick to give in to me asking. I went to my room and flopped onto my bed having turned the lights out already. Closing my eyes I drifted off.

I was awoken but the noises again. This time my curiosity finally got the better of me and I followed the noise out of my rooms. Stepping into the hall-like room that served as a central nucleus to Loki's chambers. All the rooms fanned out from that one room.

The noises were coming from the largest set of doors. Loki's room. I stepped towards the oak doors and paused listening to the sounds going through the wood. It was defiantly coming from Loki. I couldn't identify why. He had no woman with him tonight. It was just him. I paused again and took a deep breath. After saying to myself to hell with it I pushed past the doors.

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