𝐴/𝑁 + 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠

746 31 15

Hello, lovely people! I want to start off by thanking you for clicking on this book. I've been wanting to try something like this for a while, and I'll do my best to write well (grammatically and in terms of plotlines). My writing style will likely change as the book progresses, as I am experimenting with things like point of view and tone right now. Hopefully, I'll improve as I write. I also want to say that this is just for fun. I don't mean any harm to anyone by writing this book, so please don't take it too seriously. If I write something insensitive or portray a concept incorrectly, feel free to correct me in the comments.

Request format:


-plot/idea (could be a general au or plot idea, a specific moment or chunk you want to read, or a fully outlined plot)

-general genre/vibe (romantic, bitter, casual, angsty, sweet, fluffy, etc.)

-additional information (for example: any specific details about what you want or don't want to see, or pronouns other than she/her)

-whether or not you'd like to be listed as anonymous in the chapter (e.g.- requested by [username] or requested by [anonymous])

I will not take requests for:

-smut/sexual concepts

-anything that glorifies suicide, bullying, self harm, depression, abuse, etc. If there is a request that covers any of these topics and portrays them in a way I find okay to write about, I may take it (please do let me know if something I write makes you uncomfortable or if something was portrayed incorrectly. I'll do my best to either rewrite it, take it down, or improve writing of said topic in the future)

-anything portraying the members in an abusive way (all characters should have negative traits, but anything that specifically portrays a member in an abusive light would make me uncomfortable to write about. Jungkook slapping his significant other is not something I'd be comfortable writing nor comfortable showing to his face if he were to sit in front of me and read it)

-things related to TV shows, movies, or books, for the most part

-abo/werewolf/vampire/hybrid concepts (not my thing. It's totally okay if you like them, though)

-mafia concepts, i refuse to write them

-you can still go ahead and request these some of these things if you'd like, there's a chance you may change my mind about them (though this does not apply to smut, mafia stuff, or the glorification of serious topics)

☀︎︎Please comment your requests on this line.☀︎︎

Details are welcomed! The more specific you are, the easier it'll be for me to write something that matches your thought. However, if it's just a simple concept, that's okay too. I want to leave you satisfied after you read :).

I will write everything I can, but please understand that I might not feel comfortable writing about certain topics. If this happens, I will most likely ask for a different request or a modified version of whatever you asked for.

I really appreciate everyone here. Things like votes, comments, even just you reading my silly writing means so, so much to me. I truly love you guys.

Happy imagining!

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