𝑗.ℎ𝑠/ 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

172 22 18

Your arms pressed against Hoseok's torso, his leg draped over yours in a cocoon of warmth. His hand rested at the small of your back, gripping your bulky sweater in a loose fist. Frosted blades of grass tickled your cheek as you shifted your head, and a crisp wind washed over your face.

Hoseok's arms tightened around you, his back stiffening ever so slightly. You felt a tingling in your nose. Your cheeks were becoming damp with puppy kisses. Cracking your eyes open, you saw a flurry of glitter spilling from the sky. You followed it lazily as it danced, painting the neighborhood in sparkling shades of moon.

The sills would soon be dusted white, the floral perfumes of the neighborhood to be mixed with the frigid stings of winter air. The sweet trees and tulips would be coated in the sky's gossamer, and street lamps would gloss the streets, the dull roads sparkling silver.

You smiled at the thought of drinking warm chocolate the next day, of your home becoming a wintry paradise. The chilled breath of snow on your face was refreshing in comparison to the muggy weather you'd been seeing for months.

Your gaze drifted to Hoseok's face. His eyes were shut, lashes flecked with Arctic sugar. It was scattered in his hair and spotted his brows, dissolving on his skin. You reached out and brushed a drip from his cheek, another one falling from his nose as you did so. His tongue poked out to lick it away, and he smacked his lips together subconsciously once it was gone.

A less mild gust of wind than the first brought a shiver to your shoulders, and you moved closer to Hoseok. Your fingers remained on his cheek, tensing as yet another sharp puff blew over you. His eyebrows drew together slightly as your head found its way into the crook of his neck. He woke fully when he felt your fingers begin to tremble against his face. He reached up to his face and took your fingers in his hand. He slowly began to rub them, eyes still closed. He massaged your palm for a few seconds before setting your hand down under the shared quilt and tugging it up to your ears.

His hand slipped under your shirt, rubbing your back gently as your shivers began to subside. "Better?" He whispered, voice a little hoarse from having just awakened.

You nodded, closing your eyes as he began tracing patterns on your skin. His silky fingers brought warmth to your body and rest to your thoughts. Your fantasies of a winter wonderland began to float away with the frigid wind. You had your own personal wonderland laying beside you in the grass.

And he was all sun.

☀︎︎I'm somewhat satisfied with how this turned out. I find it difficult to write longer things, because a lot of times I find it a little intimidating or don't know exactly what I'll write about. I find it enjoyable to write shorter, more descriptive scenes sometimes.☀︎︎

☀︎︎What is your favorite season? Mine is spring. I love the colors and how fresh and fragrant everything is.☀︎︎

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