𝑚.𝑦𝑔/ 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠

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☀︎︎buffer chapter while y'all are waiting for the christmas oneshot! this one was sitting in my drafts so i decided to finish and post it real quick.☀︎︎

You sat on the edge of your bed, engrossed in an article on your phone. Yoongi was sitting behind you, his back resting against the headboard while his feet pressed against your back. You scrolled through your news feed, and a Billboard article popped up. You smiled, seeing your partner's group name in the title. They were dominating the charts and breaking streaming records. In other words, nothing new.

You reached a hand behind you and tickled one of Yoongi's feet proudly, giggling as his leg shot back. You gripped his calf in an effort to still it, laughing harder as he began to complain.

"You always do this," he grumbled. "I don't understand why you can't communicate like a normal person. I always have to suffer before we can have a conversation."

"But I love seeing you suffer," you teased, quickening your attack on his foot as he squirmed. He seemed determined not to laugh, his nose scrunching up as though he had smelled something putrid. He was staring at you with nearly enough hatred to make you wither.

But his cheeks had puffed out enough to contrast the image.

"You look like a weasel," you said, grinning.

"I'm going to kick your ass," he responded with a pinched voice.

"You sound like Alvin the chipmunk."

"Your face looks like Holly's asshole."

"You act like Holly's asshole."

His forehead lines bent further inward. His face looked like a scrunched up scrap of tinfoil at this point.

"You know, when people are around each other for long periods of time, their behavioral patterns tend to reflect it."

You paused your tickling temporarily.

"You know that whole thing about married couples acting like each other? There is some truth behind it. People will adopt each other's mannerisms, language, styles of expression, all that sort of thing. It's like hanging out with a person for a while and starting to use similar words or subconsciously mimicking their gestures and joke styles. You kind of figure out what they find engaging, so you bring up topics they enjoy more."

"Hmm," you said. "I guess it makes sense that all of that would be amplified around someone you've spent your life with."

"Exactly," he responded, slipping off the side of the bed. "I'm going to go grab us some sodas."

He returned with a Fanta in each hand, passing one off to you as he sat back down. You scooted backward until you were leaning into his torso instead of against his legs.



"Do you think we act alike?" You asked.

"No, I don't think so," he responded.

"I don't think so either," you agreed, both of you pulling the tabs off your drinks.

☀︎︎ahahaha! i'm BACK. a christmas special is coming up (ot7, i think) but i felt the need to update. also, i'm getting rid of the birthday chapters (not the stories, just the ones where i write a couple paragraphs wishing each member a happy birthday and provide pictures). they're taking up space in the book without being the actual content you came here to read. i'd rather just post an announcement.

also, i missed y'all! your comments and messages are the best part of updating. you're all such sweethearts.☀︎︎

☀︎︎what is one feature you think wattpad needs or could get rid of? this is a common one, but personally i would love a like/dislike button on comments.

also youtube got rid of the dislike button and it's pissing me off OKAY BYE.☀︎︎

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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