𝑘.𝑡ℎ/ 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟

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☀︎︎Did I forget yesterday was Valentine's Day and not prepare in advance? Maybe. Did I write most of this in middle of the night, forget to save it, and rewrite it this morning in a panic? Maybe. But hush, everything's cheaper the day after- including my writing (jk jk). Anyway, shut up and start reading ❤︎❤︎❤︎.☀︎︎

Taehyung adored Valentine's Day. You had warned him many times of its scummy nature, that he was playing into every money-hungry company's hands by throwing his earnings at cutesy things on shelves. But he just didn't care. He'd buy various little candies and soft toys for his friends every year. Now that you were in his life, he couldn't wait to spoil you.

When he had tried bringing the day of love up in casual conversation, you had written it off.

"So, got anything in mind for Valentine's Day?"

You looked up from the magazine you were reading. "Not really. I think we love each other enough that we don't need to prove it with nasty heart candy."

His eyebrows crinkled. "Well, yeah. But I think it could be fun. We'll spend time together and go out to dinner and stuff."

You stuck your lips out and raised your head, looking at him expectantly. Taehyung obliged, pecking your lips sweetly. 

You smiled and responded, "Tae, I am lucky enough to have a boyfriend who I can spend tons of time with despite the field he's in. Let's just relax tomorrow. We eat out enough, anyway."

Taehyung pulled his head back and nodded, a little dejected at your rejection. "I guess that's fair."

You returned to your magazine. Taehyung went back to watching TV, but the day remained in the back of his mind. He knew you tended to  dig into the logistics of things, but he loved the loose warmth you emanated when you were completely relaxed. He wanted to bring out your romantic side for a little while.

So he tried again at dinner. 

"What about cards?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" You responded, mouth full of pasta.

"We can exchange cards tomorrow. We can go shopping and stuff during the day, too."

You swallowed the food in your mouth. "Wouldn't it be too last minute? I don't think we have any art supplies."

"Yeah, but...." he had already made a card, but realized you wouldn't have. "I guess." Why didn't he just say what he meant? That Valentine's Day was special to him? He loved the cheesiness and the little gifts, even if they did waste money.

You spoke up. "If it means a lot to you, we can spend the day watching movies or something. I can do a snack run after dinner."

Taehyung's cheeks balled up as he smiled. "Okay." 

You finished up your dinner, and began stacking up the dishes and bringing them to the sink. Taehyung joined in, and soon all the dishes were in the sink. 

"Would you mind washing them? I'm going to go pick up chips for tomorrow," you said.

"No, not at all," he responded, kissing your cheek as you grabbed your purse. You threw your phone and keys in before slipping on your shoes and getting in the car. As he watched you pull out of the driveway, a small idea sprouted in his mind.


You rolled over in bed, blinking a few times as the morning's pale light washed over your face. You let out a yawn and slowly started to push your body into a sitting position, but were immediately tackled down. A beaming, bright-eyed Taehyung stared down at you fondly, his arms pinning you against the bed playfully. You giggled at his childishness.

"Move," you chided, laughing a little harder as his his smile grew nearly too large for his face.

"No," he responded, practically glowing.





"Why nott?" You whined.

"Because," he responded cheesily, "I love you."

You burst out laughing. "You suck."

By now, his cheeks looked as though they were going to tear open. "I do," his arms loosened around you as he joined you under the duvet. "But you love me too."

You turned to face him fully. His eyes glittered with intelligence, and his skin looked like it had been painted on with honey and gloss. He had the sweetest lips and a sweeter voice, and somehow, he was real. He was real, and he was really yours. 

You leaned forward, taking one of his hands from your waist and clasping it in yours. 

"I do," you said, almost in a whisper. Taehyung's eyes fluttered shut as you closed the gap between your mouths and pressed your lips to his. They tasted almost as sweet as he was, and you were sure your morning breath had turned sugary when you pulled away.

He brought your joined hands to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles. You looked down at them, realizing something.

"Are those new pajamas?" You furrowed your brows, bringing his arm closer for inspection. The sleeve had an odd pattern. It was black, and had the design of a white cuff with pink buttons. It was also very fluffy. He grinned as he clambered out of bed and stood in front of you.

He was wearing a tuxedo onesie.

"Oh my god," you giggled as he showed off the pajama suit. 

"No, no, no, wait," he quickly pulled up the hood of the pajamas, and a party hat with little bear faces appeared on top of his head. You began laughing hysterically at the bears' expressions.

"That one looks drunk out of its mind," You pointed at a bear with particularly lazy eyes, voice about two octaves higher than it had been a second ago.

"Hold on, I have one for you too!" He disappeared into the closet before coming back with a second onesie. This one had the design of a red party dress on a purple body, and the pajamas themselves were blue. Taehyung flicked the hoodie upward, showing the design of a motorcycle helmet with cat ears. He tossed it onto the bed before running back into the closet.

He came back with fistfuls of dark chocolates and a few small bags, and dumped them on the bed. "Just for good measure," he said as your mouth dropped open.

"Walmart must love you," you said, unwrapping one of the chocolates and biting into it. "When did you buy this stuff, anyway?"

"I bought most of it yesterday, while you were getting snacks. I did get some of it beforehand, though," he pulled a yellow card out of one of the bags and set it in your lap. 

Your eyes twinkled at the sight of the card, and you reached up to kiss his cheek. "You know you've participated in a shit ton of company scams, right? And it seems like you're trying to scam me out of my love." 

Taehyung bent down to pepper kisses all over your face. "Maybe I am," he responded cheekily.

You cupped his face and brought it to yours, soaking his lips in fervency and love.

"My sweet little scammer," you whispered breathily.

 He looked into your eyes with a tenderness that made you want to melt.

"And I'll be yours forever."

☀︎︎Well, this probably could have been better. I'm sorry, I don't know how to fluff. Heh.☀︎︎

☀︎︎Did you guys do anything special for Valentine's Day?☀︎︎

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