Chapter 4. Are You Listening?

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The Three Diamond Casino was open for business and already bustling. Luci skimmed a little Power off the top of the gamblers’ delight, their lust firmly engaged in pursuit of that momentary high when the coins would fall their way. It wasn’t her ideal choice, but she was getting hungry. Robin led her to the front desk, and flashed his Lost Lagoon staff pass at the clerk there. 

“I know who you are, Sir, don’t you worry.” The clerk smiled. “How may I help?”

“We’re here to see the Ladies, I believe Mistress Ella has arranged for a seat at their table tonight?”

“Of course.” The clerk clicked through on the computer screen. Even if it hadn’t been arranged, it was happening. It appeared that Mistress Ella held some sway in the town. “If you’ll take a seat?” Robin sat as directed, Luci on the other hand, was restless, and paced instead, drawing  concerned glances from the staff. 

It didn’t take long before an elegant chap in casino uniform appeared from the curtains beside the desk. 

“Welcome to The Three Diamonds, please follow me, The Ladies will see you now.” Robin scrambled to his feet in time to follow Luci and the rapidly retreating gentleman round the edge of the grand hall, towards a massive staircase which led up to balconies overlooking the games. Rather than taking the stairs, however, they were led to a small door set under the arch of the steps. A small key on a large key ring opened the door and the visitors were ushered into the darkness alone, with the sound of the lock clicking back into place behind them.

At the end of a long, winding corridor which seemed to slope downwards there was a thick curtain, which the heavy scent of resinous wood smoke oozed around, into the corridor. Luci paused, momentarily, before pushing the curtain aside and slipping through into the antechamber behind.

The walls were covered in veiled mirrors, reflecting their movements through the obfuscation, and a fire pit in the centre of the room burned brightly under a high ceiling. Sat around a poker table were three women, intently playing cards, with a single empty chair opposite them.

The lady in the middle looked up at the uncertain visitors and gestured at the chair. Luci did the only thing that seemed sensible and checked for exits, or potential surprises.

A small cough and raised eyebrow from the lady reminded Luci that she had requested this moment. She quickly sat as told and took a deep, smoke-laden breath to shape her question for the oracle.

“I am looking for…”

“We know.” The ladies spoke in unison. They laid out their cards, the firelight shimmering on their faces, reflecting bright on the cards. The images swirled before Luci’s eyes so she couldn’t quite make out what they were. Robin watched from across the room as the space around the table began to blur and warp. Perhaps it was the smoke. He thought, standing as still as possible so as not to interrupt. He had been here before, with messages from his Mistress, but his memories of those visits were always somewhat vague. Definitely the smoke. He decided, and tried not to breathe too deeply.

Luci had no such compunctions. She watched as a map of the fatelines, the web of wyrd, shimmered into sight. They ran across the table, between the cards, and the Three Ladies traced them with their fingers, reading the story laid out before them of past, present, future, of loss and possibility, of hope and grief and love. 

As one they began to speak, their voices harmonising and vibrating through Luci’s sternum, echoing in her heart;

“What was lost, now is hidden, what is hidden, must be found, her wings will fly again.” 

Luci nodded. This she knew already, the shields were lost. No, wait, they’d been hidden. Ok, that sounded about right, they'd definitely been taken. And she’d fly when she returned to Valhalla, that made sense. 

“You are merely a pawn, seeking the crown.” 

It could be hard to hear that one was merely a foot soldier, but Luci had accepted that long ago. 

“Even that which is priceless has a cost.” 

And with that, the wyrd-lines faded, the space settled back into something solid, and the ladies gathered up the cards. 

“Wait!” Said Luci, confused, “That doesn’t tell me anything new!”

The ladies looked up at her and shook their heads.

“Then you’re not listening.”

And with that, Luci and Robin were summarily dismissed.

Outside, Luci repeated what they’d said to Robin.

“So… “What was lost, now is hidden, what is hidden, must be found, her wings will fly again.”, “You are merely a pawn, seeking the crown.” and “Even that which is priceless has a cost.” I mean, at least they’re talking about the lost shields, so I know the information is relevant. That’s always a risk with oracles. And they’re not just lost, they’re hidden… But the rest? I know I’m nothing special in the grand scheme of things. And people trade “priceless” things all the time. It often just takes a little desperation. I don’t see how that was a help at all!”
Robin was puzzling over the words as they walked.

“It is often in the phrasing.” He mused. “The specific words are important and often read like a riddle.”

“Yes, I know. Oracles are a pain in the butt.” Subtleties of the flesh, Luci could do but riddles were really not her thing.

“Has a cost…” Robin repeated phrases quietly to himself. “Would a thief sell them?”

Luci was appalled.

“These are magical artefacts! Objects of Power! They hold our ability to fly, to travel, they’re the ultimate protection and the window through which we can see who is worthy and who is not! Why would anyone give that up for money?!”

“We don’t need to know why,” replied Robin, “we just need to find out if they did.”

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