Chapter Seven - As Far As I Can See

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Remus was currently banging stuff around in the kitchen at 4:30 AM. At these times, he is glad Virgil left because Virgil would be stabbing Remus. Janus tiredly got up and walked to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He was wearing black and yellow pajama pants and a white tee, Remus was wearing a pink top and some black shorts, "Remus?" Janus asked, exhausted. "Heya Double Dee! What's up?" He asked, dropping something metal in a sink. Janus visibly flinched at the sound, "W-What are you doing? It's four.." Janus leaned on the counter, "I wanted to try to bake!" Remus yelled, "And I'm an insomniac." Remus added. Janus nodded, "Pleasee try to go to bed.. Stop trying to bake.. for right now. Try later." Janus told him, still wanting him to try to bake but not wanting him to disturb his sleep. "Canttttt." Remus said, "Remussss, pleasssse. You look like you haven't done much.. Pleassse? I'll help you pick up.." Remus groaned, "Whatever. Fine." Remus began to pick up, he hadn't start to mix or crack anything. Just getting the utensils and bowls and dropping them. Janus makes a pleased smile and started to put the bowls away while Remus put the utensils away.

Once they were done, Janus noticed how Remus did seem tired but he couldn't sleep. "R-Remus?" Janus started, Remus looked at him and he only just got a good look at him. Janus had messy bed head, his shirt showed his stomach slightly, his eyes looked very tired. He made a hm sound, "Do you want to sleep with me?" Janus asked, not yet realizing how sexual that sounds, "Oooh! I get to fuck the snake!" Remus smirks, nodding. It took a few seconds to recognize what Remus was talking about, Janus hissed, "That's not what I meant! I meant do you want to sleep in the same bed with me??" Janus dumbed it down, Remus groans and nods, "Less exciting but fine." Janus glares, "Fine, never mind." Janus told him, walking without him. "No! No! I'll sleep with ya!" Remus told him, walking with him to Janus's room.

"Holy crap, your room is super warm." Remus noted, "Yesssss. Come on, I'am tired.." Janus mumbled flopping onto the bed, Remus crawled into the bed too, throwing Janus's warm blanket on the two and cupping Janus. Janus smiled, turned around to face Remus and buried his head into Remus's chest. Remus just held him until he was sure Janus was asleep. He could tell by how his breathing was calm, his eyes looked relaxed and his fingers slightly twitched on his chest. Remus moved his arm to his hair and played with the hair as he felt himself getting tired. He fell asleep.

Janus woke up first, he remembered who he was sleeping by, "Mmmfff gay.." He mumbled tiredly, closing his eyes again trying to get more sleep, but lucky for him Remus woke up five minutes later, he can tell because Remus's breath hitched, "Good morning, Re." Janus opened his eyes and smiled. "Oh you're awake. Well... I'm too lazy to let you go." Remus grinned, and held him tighter, "No, you're going to make me more drowsy." Janus struggled to get out of the bigger mans grip, failing. "Jannnn but you're like a stuff animal, except I cant squish you or your ribs will snap!" Remus whined, he hissed. "You hiss a lot, pussy cat." Janus groaned, "Remussss let me go!" Remus shook his head, Janus groaned. "ASSAULT! ASSAULT! ASSAULT!" Janus screamed, Remus let go as Janus squirmed and fell on the floor. "Okay." Remus said, Janus hissed.. again. Janus stood up and snapped himself into his usual attire, "How about we eat breakfast?" Remus suggested, snapping himself into a green hoodie and sweatpants. Janus groaned out of disgust. He did not want to eat, not yet.  Never.

"C'mon, Jay.. Eat something little, okay? Like we did with Roman." Remus told him, Janus frowned. "I-I cant.." Remus took his hand, "Please?" Remus made their way to the kitchen. Remus let go of his hand and looked for something small in the fridge, a small yogurt. "Strawberry, Mango, or Blueberry?" Remus asks, "Uh.. I don't know.. Surprise me." Janus said, holding his head in his hands at the table which he was sitting at. "OoooO! Hold on, cu-" Janus cleared his throat, "Strawberry." Remus groaned and took out a small strawberry yogurt and tossed it at the table and got himself something to eat- cereal. It was one of those lazy days where Janus didn't feel like cooking, not that he would eat it anyways. 

Janus slowly took a spoon and opened the little tab on it and ate a couple spoon fulls. Remus watched a bit, proud of him. Janus began to stop eating after the fourth spoon. He looked at Remus, "I-Is that good?" Remus sighed, "For now." Janus nodded, "I'll eat the rest of it!" Remus took it from him, Janus watched in amusement how Remus poured it into his cereal, "Gross.." Janus laughed, "Gross? I think you mis-said esquite!" Remus beamed and dug into his.. meal? "W-Want some?" Remus asked with an open mouth, "Rather die." Remus swallowed his mush and grabbed his Morningstar, "Then perish." Janus fake gasped, "Finally." Remus scoffed, "No fun if you want to die." Remus dropped the Morningstar on the ground, making a large thump.

It was silent until Remus was rinsing his dish out and putting it away, "Remus? Why do you even bother with me?" Janus asked, Remus raised a brow, "Cuz you're cool, and cute, and nice, and you're my best friend, you have a nice hat, you deal with me, you also make good food.." Remus began to ramble, Janus felt his hand start to shake, he actually enjoys my company? Remus isn't just doing this because I'm the only one here? Oh. 

No, he's lying.

He's not lying. I would know.

You're going to be super sad when he leaves.

fuck off.

Janus stopped thinking, he just focused on what Remus was saying until he was done, "Good enough?" Remus asked, "Y-Yes." Remus smiled, "Let's go! Anyways, Snakeyy. Wanna play Mario Kart?" 

"Oh! Yes! I call being Yoshi!"

"Pfft, Yoshi is gay."

"Remus. I'm gay. You're gay. Thomas is gay."


Janus giggled as they started the match, Janus as a yellow Yoshi and Remus as Bowser. They began to play.

A/N: A fluff chapter because I read an angst thing on tumblr that is now in my mind rent free. Gododododofjshuhguehd

pls give me requests; angst, fluff, or some stuff they can do idk..


As far as I can see
Nobody loves me
As far as I can tell
Nobody loves you either

And we're all going down
All down the staircase
And we're all going down
All down the staircase aboard

As far as I can see
Nobody's listening
As far as I can tell
Nobody's listening to me
And when I'm crying out

Out for an answer
And when I'm crying out
Nobody cries back for me

angst angst

wordcount:  1165

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