|1|: Prologue

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Two young girls sat in a hospital room. One of them happened to be sitting in a bed. The girl sitting in the bed was listening with a small smile on her face as the other girl ranted about her day.

The room was an off white color, with two chairs next to the large window. There was a connecting bathroom on the other side of the room. All in all, it was a very plain place. Due to the white color and lack of furniture, the room looked much bigger than it was. Sunlight poured through the large window, illuminating the two girls.

For the past three years, this one room had been the girl's prison.

The girl in the bed, who had been listening to the other girl rant for over an hour, was now starting to tune out the one sided conversation. Her eyes glazed over and she found herself retreating into her own thoughts. Of course most of those thoughts were about how much she wished to be out of the hospital.

She could hear a far away voice call out to her as she continued to retreat farther and farther into her subconscious.

"Hi-Chan? Hiromi? Hello? Earth to Hiromi. *sigh* I said... EARTH TO HIROMI!!!!"

Hiromi jumped at the sudden noise and turned to glare at the other girl. "Jeez Haru. Ever heard of an inside voice?" She asked as she stuck a finger in one of her ears and rubbed it. "I think you might have deafened me."

The other girl simply rolled her eyes. "Well, if you hadn't been zoning out, I wouldn't have had to yell." She said unapologetically.

"There's only so long that I can listen to you rant about your club President's annoying antics." Hiromi said with a sigh.

"I know. That's why I was trying to ask you how you're doing." The girl replied.

"How many times do I have to tell you, that I'm perfectly fine?" Hiromi asked exasperatedly.

The other girl looked down at Hiromi's covered legs with a sad expression. Seeing the girl's face, Hiromi instantly frowned and then leaned back in her bed.

"You don't have to worry about me anymore. I've made peace with it. After all, it's been three years." She said in a rather melancholy tone, before her face suddenly brightened with a smile.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you the good news!" She said excitedly. Her behavior had done a complete 180.

The girl looked up at Hiromi curiously. Taking that as a sign to continue, Hiromi started gushing happily.

"I finally managed to walk the entire hospital loop without much effort yesterday! The doctor said that he's never seen a patient make such great progress!" Hiromi exclaimed barely able to contain her elation.

The girl's grim look immediately disappeared upon seeing Hiromi's eye catching smile. Her good mood and positivity was infectious. Soon the other girl was also smiling.

"That's great Hi-chan. I'm so glad that you're able to walk like normal again." She said happily.

Hiromi waved her hand casually. "Well I wouldn't go that far. I still have a bit of a limp after all." She said while giving the other girl a closed eyed smile.


The two girls chatted happily for a few more minutes before a ringing noise interrupted them.

The girl looked down at her phone and sighed. "It's dad. Give me just a sec." She said while holding up her index finger and answering the phone.

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