Chapter 45

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Rose's POV

"Here's the last of it." I said to the man that we delivered too. He gave us a nod in return along with some money and the three of us went out seperate ways.

"Are you and Sweet Pea going to get back together?" Fangs asked me. I sighed and shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know Fangs. I still love Sweet Pea with all my heart but I'm afraid of getting hurt again." I said to Fangs softly as we entered the pick up truck that we got from FP.

"I reckon you should give him another chance. It can even be the last one you give him. As his best friend, it hurts me to see him looking depressed cause he doesn't have the most amazing, witty, smart and beautiful girl beside him. He always loved you and he forever will until he dies. I'm not going to pressure you into dating him again but listen to your heart and follow want it wants. Could be the worst or best decision but you'd never know unless you risk it." Fangs said to me as we sat in the car.

"I guess you're right. I think I'm gonna give him another chance. Thank you Fangs. You know that I love you right." I said to the Latin boy with a smile.

"Ive always known you love me. We're bisexual buddies till the very end." Fangs said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Just shut up and drive." I said to fangs with a chuckle. Fangs turned the car on and we made our way back to the location FP told us to go to. We dropped the car off and the two of us went out seperate ways.

After a ten minute drive, i finally arrived at Pops. I turned my bike off and made my way inside.

"Hey pop." I greeted the humble and kind man.

"Hey Rose." Pop responded and got back to cleaning tables. I looked around the diner and saw Toni sitting in a booth next to the window.

"Hey there T." I greeted my sister with a smile.

"Hey Rose. How have you been?" Toni asked me as I sat down in the booth.

"I've been doing ok. Just moving on as much as I can. What about you?" I asked Toni as I took a sip from my chocolate milkshake.

"I've been doing ok. Cheryl and I have had a few fights the last couple of weeks but we're good." Toni said softly.

The two of us sat in silence for a few seconds till Toni spoke up.

"I miss you Rose. I miss what we had. I miss my best friend who I can come to whenever I'm feeling down, getting dressed up for parties, having sleepovers and having our time. What Cheryl and I did was unacceptable and I slowly came to realisation that we deserved being kicked out of the serpents. We shouldn't of ratted out Fangs or started stealing things. Most importantly, Cheryl and the pretty poisons shouldn't of fought Fangs and Sweet Pea at the front of Pops. I was really angry with Cheryl for doing that without my consent and to be honest they shouldn't of done that cause they're my friends. I take full responsibility for everything that has happened the last few months. I want to take it all back but I know it's to late. I'm so sorry Rose, for everything." Toni blurted out with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Toni." I said. Toni looked up at me as I put my hands in hers.

"I accept your apology. What you and Cheryl have done was unnecessary and not acceptable. I can move on from it only if you get Cheryl to say something. Not only to me but the serpents and the boys too. I don't think Jughead and FP will let you back into the Serpents but It's worth a try. I also think Cheryl isn't a great influence either. It's your choice Toni. But just know that family sticks together more than most friends/partners. I can't trust Cheryl but I trust you into doing the right thing. You don't have to make a choice now but just think about what I've said." I said to Toni.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" Toni asked with a small chuckle.

"Once or twice." I shrugged with a smile.

"I'll try and get Cheryl to say something but knowing her she's stubborn as. But I'll definitely take what you said into consideration. I can't afford to lose you again. You mean the world to me and I love you with all my heart." Toni said with a small smile.

"I love you to Toni." I replied with a smile.

"Soooo. Nick, hey?" Toni asked with a smirk then took a sip out of her straw.

"He's just a friend Toni who's been helping me out the past few months. I saw the way that you and fangs looked at each other when you three where talking to Nick. He isn't a bad person. He's really loving and caring. He is always on the lookout for me and I'm the same with him." I said to Toni.

"I can tell he really cares about you but he is a little sketchy for me. I mean, what about Sweet Pea? He still loves and cares about you. Yes he's an ass most of the time but he's deeply in love with you. Are you going to give him another chance?" Toni asked me.

"Yes I'll give him another chance. Fangs asked me the same question earlier." I replied to Toni's question.

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