More training

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Welcome back to the chapter 21 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Training ground 10, 15 minutes after Naruto's chat with Inoichi.)

Walking to the training ground Naruto looks around looking at the scene before him. He sees shikamaru laying in the shade of a tree staring upward at the clouds while Choji just munches on some BBQ chips. He looks to the left and sees Ino and a man in his late 20's sparing with her lightly. Ino for her previous actions seems to have made a complete 180 and is doing very well as a kunoichi as she's obviously trained harder in the few months since the academy let out. He smiles some chuckling before walking towards the group waving his hand.

"Hey guy's what's up? You all just relaxing?" Naruto asks as Ino and Her sensei's spar comes to an end with Ino on the ground looking at Naruto with a smile. Shikamaru just yawns and looks at his blonde friend as Chonji just wavse back.

"Hi naruto-kun. We're fine just training with sensei Asuma here." Ino says before dusting herself off and wlaking over to Naruto as the three men of the group walk to him as well.

"That's great ino-chan. Hey I'm sorry about not being around as much guys. Nii-sensei really runs a tight ship when it comes to training me. Also ino-chan i see you started taking training seriously. When did that happen?" Naruto asks a little confused.

"Troublesome, She started training seriously after your sensei decided it would be best to train others interested in learning how to REALLY be shinobi. She had a one on one Pow wow with him and ever since She decided not to be as what others were and train seriously." Shikamaru says in his usual distant and bored tone.

"Yeah * Munch * She really started to pick up * Munch * after deciding not to be some lame fangirl." Chouji says smiling as he finishes his bag of chips.

"Y-Yeah i wanted to be more then a burden to my team and Sensei. And also one day i went to go see you to hang out and saw how frequently your sensei trained you and thought it was insane. I know the level of Shinobi are vast but your level is clearly far above our own. I wanted to keep up to try and . . .Impress you so you'd hang out with me more." Ino says a little embarrassed as she pokes her fingers together with a slight blush to her cheeks.

"So you're the Gaki that got  into wanting to train seriously. Wow didn't think I'd meet you here Naruto. Oh by the way my name is Asuma. Asuma Sarutobi." Asuma says reaching his hand out to the boy.

"Sarutobi? Are you related to Jiji?" Naruto says tilting his head to the side.

"Yes I am in fact. He's my father. I'm glad you turned out alright Naruto and Your sensei is a good man. Now Team your training for today is done. Shikamaru, You and Chouji are to come with me. I need to discover your affinities. Ino already knows hers so she doesn't have to come with. Enjoy your date Ino." Asuma says with a chuckle before grabbing Shikamaru and Chouji and Shunshining away.

"I swear that guy is an idiot. I'm sorry naruto-kun for what he said. I know you wouldn't like someone like me. Not after what I've done." Ino says a little sad remembering all the times she'd scream and yell at naruto during her time in the academy.

"Oh hush ino-chan thats not important. You were only yelling when i really was pushing your buttons or getting angry at Sasuke-teme. I deserved it. And besides never once have you struck me or caused me any real physical harm. Sure those comments about being dobe were kinda true and a loser well . . . I kinda was a loser but now I'm not. Also never say that. You're a wonderful girl Ino. Kind hearted, loyal to her friends and faithful too. Not to mention you're smarter then all the others and are able to at least last a few minutes against a jonin. Also those were some sweet moves you pulled. You're a wonderful friend and are slowly becoming a true kunoichi. I say that any guy would be lucky to have such a beautiful girl out for a date. I'm just happy hanging out for today so we can catch up." Naruto says patting ino's shoulder some to reassure her smiling.

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