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Welcome back to the chapter 58 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



Hiruzen begins using his new skills in pyromancy to simply control and turn the fireballs and plasma castings of the imp horde on themselves and each other while Shino summons shadow constructs that begin attacking and defending his own Body. Shino getting the drop on a massive red skinned pig demon encased in massive armor plates that charges them and link his own soul with the creature making it so whatever damage he sustains is transferred directly to the beast as he begins using his Chakra to cast the skills taught to him making sure his blasts of darkness and light strike and home in and decimate what is to far out of reach to hit with his Kikaichu and bare hands. The mean time he is swirling and dancing around the battlefield slicing and hacking away at the demons using the Kunai and Shuriken

Kiba and Akamaru just smirk some as getting his ass handed to him by the bombshell that was Deidara had gotten his endurance and stamina up to par with Shino's. His speed is what is key as he begins shredding his way through the flesh of the demons using his Getsuga with Akamaru happily whooping it up as the kill counts begin to rise for the 5 individuals. Shikamaru even using his newly acquired skill set to manipulate the demons shadows remotely having them snap the necks of the creatures as he begins working on strategies to get Konoha home with the least loss of life possible. Shikamaru merely looks around at the death that and fighting that is taking place and just tsk's his tongue.

"Troublesome. Can't believe this is what we have to do. Guys we need to advance north just as planned. Let's go." Shikamaru says as Naruto merely screams out in rage.

"SHINRA TENSEI" The moment that phrase is uttered a large wave of Demons is sent flying through the air like ragdolls as Naruto begins pushing north towards the refinery to get the energy they need that's stored there so they can power Karin and Orochimaru's machine that will teleport them home with all of Konoha with them.

Naruto and his squad immediately push forward and rush towards the plains of hell trying to get to the destination as quick as they can. Naruto and Hiruzen taking out the bulk of the demons together as they work in tandem with one another decimating the demons numbers without remorse. Every now and again a female demon pops up to join them in the fight against the others that are attacking them mindlessly.

Shikamaru had studied the maps given to him by Naruto religiously till he was able to meticulously detail where every little nook and cranny was of the base. Shikamaru is shouting out the directions when they need to turn and where they need to go. After an hour of straight blood shed and fighting they come upon the MASSIVE facility that is the refinery that siphons the very energies of hell itself. They need to redirect the energy flow towards the machine in the center of Konoha and Shikamaru is the only one besides Naruto and Shino who knows how to do it. Naruto and Shino making extra sure to keep the demons from harming Shikamaru.

Soon they enter the base itself and come to find it's nearly empty of all life. Only a few corpses are left scattered about. On edge the group get into ready battle stations as they advance to the control area. Shikamaru bringing the computers online easy enough only to get blocked by a password screen.

"Well mister hell expert we need your knowledge." Shikamaru says rather bored.

"What do you mean just transfer the energy Shikamaru We'll keep you safe. It's pretty self explanatory." Naruto says confused before seeing the screen in front of shikamaru say password with a flashing bar waiting for the input of the password.

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