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Welcome back to the chapter 47 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(With Gaia, Naruto and Deidara when Hiruzen first appears in the kage box. Que song, Collapsing By Demon Hunter Start.)

"SO blondie-kun where were you planning on going after you're banished?" Deidara asks as Her and Naruto Jump through trees together trying to catch up to the released Ichibi.

"I don't know Deidara. Probably just wander around the nations for a bit before settling in like Kumo or something. I have friends out there who would be happy to let me crash with them i guess." Naruto says a little down hearted before deidara speaks up.

"Yes, Samui, Karui and omoi i understand they were with you the whole time in the forest of death. Zetsu watched over you making sure you were safe and reported to us what was happening. Gotta say that was some pretty awesome things you were pulling with those spiders and saving their asses." Deidara says as she and her blonde partner are stopped by Kakuro.

"I'm afraid i can't let you go any further dude. Gaia needs to complete her mission or we'll be killed like our dad." Kankuro says pulling out his Kurasu puppet from his back. Deidara and Naruto get ready to fight when shino Shunshins between them and Kankuro.

"Naruto, go on ahead with your friend here. I'll stay and fight Kankuro. After all me and him never got to have our match. And by the way . .. thank you for the earth jutsu you gave me. They really helped with my training." Shino says getting in his taijutsu stance.

"Alright shino just don't get hurt. His puppet is soaked with poisons. I can smell them all." Naruto says as He and Deidara quickly shunshin past Kankuro who goes to have Kurasu slash at them with one of his weapons only to be stopped by Shino who kicks his puppet into the tree beside him and roundhouse Kankuro out of his current tree.

"You will not touch my brother. Your fight is with me now. So let's get to it. I don't plan on losing either, Dattebayo" Shino says mimicking his brother in all but blood to get himself a little psyched up for the fight knowing it will be a bit tough to win against his opponent.

Deidara and Naruto quickly race forward catching up to the massive released demon. Naruto looks to Deidara and smiles before asking.

"So you were charged with taking out Gaia. Tell me do you know her weaknesses?" Naruto asks as they continue racing towards the massive demon.

"Yes i do. If you were to use explosives on his tail to cut it off he would be temporarily stunned till it grew back which would take a full minute. You can also just simply wake Gaia up and the released state will cease and reseal shukaku inside her body. But it would be better to use that Rinnegan of yours to extract the shukaku being out of her entire body and purge her of the current seals before resealing it inside her with a different seal that would better bind the demon to her like the 5 elemental prong seal. That would be strong enough to keep its influence at bay while allowing the host freedom of it's powers and chakra." Deidara says as she creates birds, rabbits and other animal shaped clay explosives before hurling them at the Shinobi chasing them down to try and keep them from Gaia.

Naruto nods taking in the information knowing that he'll have to do what she said so he comes up with a plan. He looks to Deidara as he and her fight a couple of nin's killing them as soon as they get close enough. Naruto whispers in her ear getting the Explosives mistress to shudder in pleasure at his breath when it hits her ear only to go wide eyed with pride as she nods and has him flood Kurama's chakra into her hands mouths while she kneads and makes a clay bomb in the shape of a small doll shaped like him.

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