Chapter Three

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The next morning, Celeste woke up to Kelly's alarm. Kelly rolled over and turned the alarm off and went back to sleep. Celeste noticed she didn't hit snooze. She just turned it off. 

Celeste went through the backpack she always had packed. It had one outfit, a pair of pj's, and a toothbursh in it at all times. Her parents left on business trips all the time without any notice. She brought it everywhere she went. She put on a purple tee-shirt and blue jeans. Celeste braided her hair. She looked at the clock. It was 7:15. Celeste rarely woke up early. Because she was homeschooled, she often slept until 10:00 at least. 

Celeste walked downstairs. Camren was up and drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Ah, there you are. Is Kelly up yet?" 


"Can wake her up. The bus leaves in tewenty minutes," asked Camren.

"Sure!" Celeste turned around and walked back up the stairs. 

Celeste walked up to Kelly's bed. She tried asking Kelly to wake up. Then she tried shaking her. In the end, Celeste just pushed her out of the bed. 

"Ah! What- what time is it?" asked Kelly, heading into her closet.

"7:35," said Celeste, grabbing her toothbrush out of her bag.

"Shoot! I only got fifteen minutes! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" shouted Kelly, grabbing a sweatshirt then pushing Celeste out of the room.

Kelly changed as fast as she could. She'd have to eat breakfast at school. The line for the good stuff took an hour, and the line for the not so good stuff (toast and cereal) would be the only line that you could realistically get through and be on time for class. Kelly ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she brushed her hair and ran downstairs to grab her backpack. Then she practically pulled Celeste to the bus stop. Of course, it was raining today.

At the bus stop, a girl with dark brown skin and long black hair was waiting.

"Hey, Kelly! Who's this?" she asked. Celeste detected a slight lisp. Ethier that or she had an odd accent.

"Hey, this is my cousin Celeste," said Kelly using her backpack as an umbrella.

"Hello," said Celeste, trying to copy how Kelly was holding her backpack. She had never waited for a bus in her life. She never had to rush to get ready in the morning. Often she never even got dressed.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine, but most people just call me Jaz," said Jasmine. 

"Celeste is just hanging around for the day. She's staying with us this week while her parents are on a business trip," Kelly explained.

"Nice," Jaz said, she looked up at the sky and sighed, "Why can't it be snow."

"Welcome to Oklahoma. The land where the climate is only slightly cooler than Texas," joked Kelly.

"I wish I lived in New York," Celeste said.

"Why?" asked Jaz.

"Because it snows and I could be a Broadway actor," Celeste explained.

"You act?" asked Kelly.

"Yeah I got to this place in Broken Arrow. It's more singing and dancing than acting though. But there are cool summer camps that have lots of acting."

The bus pulled up and the girls got on. Their stop was one of the last ones, so they took seats in the middle. Celeste sat across from Kelly and Jaz. The three girls talked until they reached school. Then they separated, Jaz heading to her first class, and Kelly and Celeste went to the cafeteria. As expected, the line for waffles was very long. Kelly led Celeste through the line for toast. Kelly paid and they sat at an empty table. The noise was ten times louder than the waiting room for Celeste's acting classes. She tried to cover her ears, but she couldn't eat and cover her ears at the same time, so she tried to ignore it. She turned to Kelly who was telling her the schedule.

"First period is history, then P.E. next is math, then scenic, then lunch, after that we have choir, Spanish, then ELA." 

"Do your teachers know I'm coming?" Celeste asked.

"Dunno. I guess will find out. Come on we need to get to history."

The teacher did know that Celeste was coming and acted like she was a regular part of the class. He was impressed that she knew so much about Greek Mythology. When he asked how she knew so much, Celeste just shrugged and said Percy Jackson.

For P.E., Celeste got in trouble for not having tennis shoes. She regretted not wearing any when the class had to run four laps around the gym. 

Math was fun. Mainly because Celeste had studied volume of pyramids and cones last month, so she already knew how to do it and got to show off. Though it was a little harder without a calculator.

Scenic was awful. It was Celeste's worst subject. At least it was a lab day. 

Finally, it was time for lunch. Celeste waited in line with Kelly and they sat down at a table with Jasmine. A man walked up to their table.

"Hello girls," he said.

"Hello, Mayor Lai," said Kelly and Jaz in unison.   

"And who is this," the Mayor said.

"I'm Celeste Campbell. I'm Kelly's cousin."

"Campbell. Like Jamie Campbell?" asked Mayor Lai.

"That's my dad's name," said Celeste.

"We were best friends. Jamie, me, and Fiona destroyed the town," laughed the Mayor.

"Fiona, like my mom?" asked Kelly. She didn't remember her mom that well, and no one seemed to talk about her for some reason.


"What was she like? What did you guys do?" asked Kelly.

"Woah, slow down there. We don't you come to my house for lunch tomorrow at noon, that is if Camren agrees," invented the mayor. 

"Of course. Camren will text you if I can."

"Perfect. Celeste can come too if she'd like," said Mayor Lai.

"It's alright. I don't have to come," responded Celeste. She thought this was something Kelly most likely wanted to do alone.

"No, you should come," Kelly said. She shot Celeste a pleading look.

"Well I have a meeting with principal. Hope to see you tomorrow," the Mayor left.

"That was wried," said Celeste.

"Why," demanded Kelly.

"He went up to us. Randomly and asked us questions," Celeste responded.

"Welcome to Westbury. There's only about five hundred people here. This happens a lot," explain Jazz, "Where are you from?"

"Broken Arrow. It has way more people than here."

Then the bell rang and the girls left for their next class.

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