Chapter Fourteen

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Echo sat at the table, watching the two girls. One had bright red hair, the other one's hair was raven black. Echo knew her role. The stage was set. Mother always knew best and this time, their plan would work. Echo had a feeling that these two were the ones. Kelly and Celeste seemed smarter than the rest. Kelly's eyes had a look of unease though. Her being smarter did have disadvantages. But, Kelly might be one of those questers. The ones who would do anything to reach their goal. Celeste worried Echo more, however. Celeste had those eyes that let her see people down to the soul. The girl might not have realized it, but with proper training, those eyes could see the danger she was in. Yes, Echo thought as the girls sat down next to her mother, These girls were the ones.


The food looked good. Celeste was hungry, yet something inside told her not to eat the food. Not yet anyway. A quick look at Kelly told Celeste that she'd had the same idea.

A few moments later, Celeste was glad that she hadn't eaten first. A seven-year-old boy, one of the five children seated at the table, took a big bite of what looked like a pineapple. A few seconds later, his chair broke and he fell on the floor.

"Isadora!" complained the boy as he got up, "You said you would bate the food anymore."

Bate the food? What did that mean? A girl who looked about ten rolled her eyes.

"I did no such thing! I said I wouldn't bate the eggs anymore," she said.

"Isadora! Unbaite the food then go to your room. Of all the nights why did you have to choose tonight?" Calypso said.

Isadora sighed then waved her fingers.

"Done," the girl said, before stomping away.

"I am so sorry you girls had to see that," Calypso said to Celeste and Kelly, "I don't know what has gotten into her lately. The food is harmless now. You can eat."

To prove her point, Calypso took a big bite of the pineapple-looking thing. Ten seconds passed and nothing happened. The rest of the children and Altair started to eat. The five-year-old moved into the seat next to Celeste.

"Hi! I'm Emeric! Don't mind Isadora. She's just in a bad mood because I put a frog in her bed last night," said the boy.

"Ugh, that was you! You put it in my bed, not Isadora's! Remember we switched rooms last week," said a girl who was a clone of Altair, if Altair was an eleven-year-old girl in a pink dress.

"Oops, sorry Viola. But if I didn't frog her, then why is she so mad?" Emeric said.

Celeste smiled. The kid was pretty cute.

"It's Isadora. She's always mad," said Echo.

"Let's move on to more pleasant chat. After all, we have guests," commanded Calypso.

"Yes Mother," said all the kids in unison.

"I have a question for the news girls," said a boy who looked about sixteen and was definitely the oldest.

"Yes Jex," said Calypso, prodding on her son.

"Are you from the first world, or the second? You look like a second worlder," he said, pointing at Celeste, "and you look like a first worlder," he pointed to Kelly, "yet you look related. Why?"

"Jex. That is enough questions," said Calypso.

"What're the first and second worlds?" asked Kelly.

Jex opened his mouth like he was about to answer.

"All will be explained soon enough," Calypso said in a stern voice.

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