|deja vu|

171 3 9

"this life or
everything is
deja vu because
when I'm with you,
memories come
back and make it
feel like yesterday."

-third person pov-

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-third person pov-

"no. absolutely not. no way are you going there." seungming straightforwardly answered. seohyun looked at the boy in disbelief.

"please seungmin." seohyun whined back. before seungmin could come back with anyone, felix butt in.

"why do you wanna go anyway?"

"one of eric's friends said that he's the only person who's knows full details about the unbreakable bond."

felix walked closer to seohyun and puts both hands on her shoulders.

"don't. don't go to him because the last time yo- i mean, the last person that went to him nearly died." felix looked in her eye with a hint of sadness.

"i have a question. why do you and seungmin go to hell? fallen angels are humans who stay on earth and are forbidden in hell because they're still an angel at heart." felix droped his hands from her shoulders and took a step back.

"it's because we know to much. if we just stayed on earth, we might say things we shouldn't. that's why seungmin and i have this."

both seungmin and felix outstretched their arms and pulled up their sleeves. on their wrists was a thin glowing red line that wrapped around their wrists.

"it prevents us from staying out after 6 and prevents us from going far." seungmin said.

"that's why you didn't visit; because of that." without saying anything, seungmin only nods his head.

seohyun crouched down on the sand with a small pout on her lips. seungmin let out a sigh and sat down next to seohyun.

"you can go to black river but take minho with you."

"yah why does she need minho? she can go herself for all we care."

"but she can't can she, changbin? she can't teleport there, she doesn't know the way there, and she doesn't know!" felix yelled back.

sitting there, seohyun felt useless and unneeded. she felt as though she was a burden.

"she's nothing but a burden!" with that, changbin had disappeared into black flames.

"don't worry about him. he's a demon; he's heartless but once you get to know him he's really nice." felix says while crouching next to her.

chan looked down at his watch and pat jisung on the back; whispering something into his ear.

"jisung and i gotta go. hellhound duties are calling!" with that, black and orange flames engulf the two.

now was only left hyunjin, jeongin, seungmin, felix, minho and seohyun.

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