|pocket watch|

93 1 8

"this clock
for you,
measure my
time. decide how
long i have left
to tell you
i love you."

-third person pov-

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-third person pov-

two slow hours passed and seohyun finally began to gain her consciousness. her eyes started to flutter open.

once her eyes were fully open, she steadily sat up from the grass. she looked around to see no sight of soonie.

she looked up to the sky to see that the sun was now replaced with a crescent moon.

she stood up and walked around the large flower field. she wandered around the area while talking to herself; letting her thoughts run wild.

"i still don't get how that makes me know where he is.."

"oh my god wait if he kissed me does that mean we were in a relationship...?" she gasped while slapping her hand over her mouth.

"so..ankoku is my grandpa if he hasn't died..soonie used to be grandpa's pet..beomseok appeared again.."

she continued to walk in circles while talking freely about her thoughts.

"ok so i've been here before..wait then-" seohyun stopped in her tracks when she heard small whispers. no one else was there within the gates, and she knew that, so why were there so many whispers?

"seo~hyun~" the distorted voice whispered.

"time is ticking~" there it was again.

seohyun whipped her head in all directions and scanned every tree and bush yet there was no one.

"you don't have all the time~"

"he can't wait anymore~" another voice whispered.

seohyun grew scared at their voices. no one was here but who was calling her?

the flowers began to glow lightly in a pathway for seohyun to follow. leaves that were blowing in the wind flew the same direction where the flowers glowed.

seohyun looked over to the unexpected glow of flowers and walked closer towards them. seohyun saw that the glowing flowers and blowing leaves were leading her further into the trees. the idea of that had sent chills down her spine; making her hesitant to go in.

"for minho...it's for him.." seohyun took a deep breath and walked in the path of glowing flowers. she followed the luminous flowers with fear inside her gut.

once she walked deeper into the trees, the amount of flowers that glowed came to a stop. the leaves that blew in the wind flew in a spiral around the giant stone clock in front of her.

it looked almost like a pocket watch. by the looks of it, the stone was old because of the moss and vines growing around it.

the leaves swirled around the pocket watch shaped stone and soon landed in a pile at seohyun's feet. seohyun looked down at the pile of leaves then back up at the watch.

when the clock strikes three - l.mh Where stories live. Discover now