Chapter 15

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"That-" Tina panted. "Was a boggart."

"Why did it keep shapeshifting? Why were you so scared-looking? Did it hurt? How did it die?" Jacob spluttered question after question, looking red in the face.

"It shows one's greatest fears," Dumbledore cleared his throat and regained his posture.

"It tailors to a certain person and that's why it kept changing," Newt added.

"It doesn't hurt physically, but its quite scarring emotionally. It depends on your fear, really," Theseus adjusted his shirt.

"Why was mine just me?" Nagini's eyes were wide.

"It was you in snake form. Are you scared of that?" Tina placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I'm scared of not turing back," Nagini mumbled.

"Ah, you're a Maledictus..." Dumbledore tilted towards Nagini. "I remember. Would you mind if I asked a couple questions about your blood curse?"

Nagini just shifted and shot a look at Theseus.

He came over and put an arm around her shoulder.

"She's a person," Theseus helped her adjust her sweater. "Not just a blood curse."

"Yes, of course!" The boggart seemed to have taken a surprising toll on Dumbledore.

"That seems like the extent of our tour," Theseus cleared his throat. "We'll make our own way out."

Theseus reached over to Newt and Tina, grabbing their joined hands. It was clear he was attempting to disapparate, but was failing.

"You cannot apparate on school grounds any more," Dumbledore explained. "Safety precaution for the kids."

"Is that why we had to take the train in?" Jacob asked, his eyes still wide from the shock. "This place is very creepy on the outside, I thought we were going to die. Like when we teleported in last time."

"Apparated," the three wizards and one witch simultaneously corrected him.

"What does the school look like to you?" Nagini asked politely. "It looks grand from the outside."

"It's a mouldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying 'DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE. ' Again, I thought we were going to die."

"Another precaution," Dumbledore confirmed. "Ah, looks like lunch is finished."

A rumble of students were heard out in the halls.  After students appeared at the door.

"Professor?" A girl asked. "Are you taking up DADA again?"

A few more students appeared.

"Sadly, not, Miss Reald," Dumbledore shook his head. "My guests and I were just leaving."

The group began to file out of the door. Newt and Tina were about to follow when-

"Sweet Merlin!" The girl gasped. "Newt Scamander, I am such a big fan! We're about to study your book in Care of Magical Creatures!!"

"Your book is part of the curriculum?" Tina gasped.

"Signed off last week. I was going to tell you," Newt reddened.

"Newt!" Tina laughed and rushed into his arms. "That's amazing!"

Newt swung her around as she smacked a big kiss on his lips.

"It was nice to meet you, kids." Tina grinned to the students as Newt set her down.

And on that last word, they swept out of the classroom.

"Who was that?" The girl asked out loud to her equally dumbfounded classmates.


"Team, we have two new members joining our team today," Gianna Romano announced. "They are both high-ranking Aurors of their respective Ministries and I expect you all to treat them with respect."

Achilles yawned. He didn't care.

His attention was caught, though, when Tina Goldstein and Theseus Scamander walked in, smiling serenely.

"Hello, everybody," Tina began.

Achilles tilted his head. She seemed different. The way she moved. The way she spoke. There was something new in her eyes.

"Tina!" Alice Pulley gasped. "You're back!"

"Yes, we are," Tina laughed. Achilles couldn't remember ever hearing her laugh like that.

He tried to get her attention, coughing loudly. Romano gave him a strange look, but Tina didn't even glance his way.

"Alright, Scamander?" Thomas Breaker called from his seat.

"Alright," Theseus chuckled.

"Have a seat, you two, and have a moment to settle in," Gianna instructed.

Achilles watched as the pair sat down next to each other, talking quietly and completely ignoring him.

Suddenly, Theseus busted out a laugh.

Tina's bangs were much longer, sweeping her eyes, and her hair was almost touching her shoulders.

She laughed at something Alice said and it clicked.

The way she talked and moved and laughed. That something in her eyes.

Tina was in love.

Achilles clenched his jaw as Tina grabbed Theseus arm, talking animatedly.

By the looks of it, Theseus Scamander seemed to be the target of her affections.


I have nothing to say for myself.

I've been trying to write, but since I only have access to the tablet on weekends, I don't have a lot of time.

Hey, I have a life too!! (I think.)

Sorry to everyone who was waiting and thank you so much.

I'll try my best to upload again soon.

Stay safe and wash your goddamn hands!

- Fangurl_700

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