Chapter 11

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"So...we should talk," Tina leaned over the desk where Newt was sitting.

"I know," he replied, closing his eyes for a moment. "It's been a hectic couple of weeks."

Tina walked around the desk & perched herself onto Newt's lap.

"Look, Newt. I like you. God, I sound like a twelve-year-old, but it's true. I have a big, fat crush on you."

Newt chuckled & pressed a kiss to her lips. "I like you too."

In the past two weeks, they had only gotten closer. Sharing sweet kisses & spending time tangled together on the couch. Yet, they had never talked about their relationship or Achilles Tolliver.

"Achilles got me drunk one night..." Tina sighed.

Newt's eyes widened. "Did he do anything to you?"

"Physically? No. Emotionally & magically binding? Yes." Tina ran her fingers through Newt's hair.

"You don't have to tell me. Take your time, darling."

Tina smirked. "Darling?"

Newt coloured red. "I-It slipped and-"

Tina cut him off with a kiss. "I like it."

Newt only blushed harder.

"He made me do an unbreakable vow," Tina bit her lip. "That we would be in a romantic relationship for nine months. He thought that I would either fall in love with him & we would live happily ever after, or he would get tired of me & leave. I couldn't break up with him, but he could. It was always a win-lose situation."

Newt's eyes darkened. How dare that bastard manipulate Tina like that?!

"How long ago was that?" He murmured.

"Um...about a month after you left New York."

Newt quickly calculated it. "I left in December, meaning he manipulated you into doing his horrid vow in January. It's October. You've been dating for eight months."

Tina brightened up. "So in a month, I'll be free?"

"Free?" Newt averted his gaze.

It was obvious what he was asking. Tina shook her head & smiled.

"Free to be with you, Newt."

She continued to play with his hair as he breathed a secret sigh of relief.


Achilles sat down with the other Aurors. Their undercover team was originally four, but since the mission was extended by a few months, they teamed up with the Ministry of Magic, making the numbers rise to fifteen.

"Tolliver, you're late. Do you have your report?" Gianna Romano, the leader of the mission, directed the conversation to him.

"Yes," Achilles took out a manila folder.

"Care to share it with all of us?"

"On 10/27/1927, at 1100 hours, two attractive young women were seen shopping in London. They were wearing hats, so I couldn't see their faces properly. I was intrigued by them, so I followed," Achilles looked up & saw the women on the team looking angry.

"You aren't supposed to bother civilians, no matter how attractive they are! I gave you direct orders to follow acolytes only," Gianna berated.

"Ah, but here's this, Romano," Achilles grinned & kept reading. "I overheard their conversation. One told the other something about the 'greater good' & kept going on about the No-Maj's that surrounded them. The other woman took her hat off & I instantly knew they were Grindelwald followers."

"Oh? Perhaps they were just close-minded witches," Alice Pulley interrupted.

"Oh, I've forgotten to mention- The woman was none other than Queenie Goldstein herself."

Gasps reverberated through the room.

"Queenie Goldstein? The Legillimens?" Thomas Breaker, an English wizard, gasped. "We've heard of her!"

"We knew her," Gianna rubbed her neck & sighed. "She worked for MACUSA in the Wand Permit Office. Her sister, Tina Goldstein, is one of our top Aurors."

Achilles' stomach twisted at the mention of Tina.

"Then why isn't she here right now?" Thomas leaned back in his chair.

"Goldstein played a big part in the Paris attack. She lost her sister, a friend & the Obscurial to Grindelwald. She's currently staying in London to get back on her feet."

"I've been trying to find her everywhere," Achilles closed the folder. "We're dating, you see. She's been staying with three men, one of whom is smitten with her. I didn't think she was safe with them, so I took her to our hotel. She ran away from me a month later."

"Was there any reason why?" Gianna tilted her head. "Remember, we can tell if you're not telling the truth."

"She wanted to get together with her friends who were present at the Paris attack. They wanted to mourn which they lost at the rally. I forbade her to go. I didn't trust the men."

"Tolliver. She is not yours to forbid. She is a capable young woman & Madame Picquery knows who she is staying with. One of the men is from the Ministry."

"Could it be...Theseus Scamander?" Thomas piped up. "He lost his fiancée & needed time off. Last we heard, he's been spending much time with his brother."

"That is private information," Gianna snapped at him. "She will return to work within a year. We do not know how much time she needs."

A year? Achilles balled up his fists. The vow was going to be broken in a few weeks. He needed to get Tina back.


*Draco Malfoy voice* What? What the hell is this? (You expect me to sing about her? I don't care about her.)

That's right, folks! I updated twice this month! 

Both chapters fall short of my usual word count, but who cares?! Have some fluff.

Stay safe & wash your goddamn hands.

See y'all soon!

- Fangurl_700

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