Chapter 10

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Tina pulled her duvet over her shoulder & nestled in Newt's arms.

Wait...where am I?

Her eyes flew open.

She was in a field under a cherry tree. Snuggled with Newt.

She tried to sit up.

"No," Newt mumbled, pulling her closer. "Stay sleep."

Tina giggled at him. 

"We're in a field under a cherry tree," she whispered into his ear.

His eyes opened blearily.

"What? We are?" He stretched his arms, releasing Tina from his grasp.

They both sat up, blushing at how they woke.

They may have fallen asleep in each other's arms (and stayed asleep in each other's arms), but they weren't going to discuss it.

Tina gently shook Nagini awake while Newt swiftly kicked his brother.

This made Tina laugh out loud which made their friends wake up.

"The hell?" Jacob slowly sat up. "We're still here?"

"Yeah," Tina breathed.

They brought 3 duvets. One was under them all, making the ground not as hard. The other two were shared between the friends. Somehow, Newt & Tina got one all to themselves.

"Should we leave?"

It was peaking dawn. The sky was lit up with faint stars & the sun was brimming the horizon.

"Can we watch the sunrise first?" Nagini asked quietly.

Everyone agreed & got comfortable.

Theseus & Jacob laid back down onto their backs & Nagini pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them.

Newt leaned against the tree & without a word, Tina rested right back in his arms.

They watched as the sun slowly rose & the colours danced through the sky.

"I'm never awake for sunrises," Tina sighed. "It's so beautiful & I love the idea of watching it every morning but I can't drag myself out of bed."

Newt chuckled, squeezing her slightly.

"I've seen them all over the world," he responded. "It's wonderful. It's the same sun, but it's always different. The sunrise in Norway is gorgeous. I was there for the midnight sun too. It's when the sun never sets for six months."

"I like sunrises & sunsets but I still prefer nighttime," Tina wrinkled her nose.

"I know you do. You're happier when the stars are out."

"I am? You notice stuff like that?"

"I notice everything about you."

Tina turned to look at him. She suddenly realised how close he actually was.

"Like what?" Her voice dropped.

"Like they way your eyes light up when you smile," Newt murmured.

"Do they?" Tina blushed.

"And the way your cheeks tinge slightly when you blush," Newt swiped his thumb across the apples of her cheeks.

This only made Tina blush harder.

"And that look you give me. Whenever we're close. It makes me want to kiss you."

Tina's heart swelled.

"So kiss me."

Newt's eyes widened.


He leaned forward slightly & captured her lips in a kiss.

Their lips moved effortlessly together.

In sync. In harmony.

 They slowly parted when the need for air became overbearing.

"Hi..." Newt murmured, their forheads still touching.

"Hi back," Tina grinned.

And they kissed again.


"It's about time you two got your acts together," Theseus exclaimed loudly as they packed away the blankets & picnic basket.

"I knew it. I knew it from the moment she arrested us!" Jacob laughed jauntily.

"Even I could tell," Nagini bit back a sly smile, remembering her & Tina's conversation.

Flashback (two days earlier)

"Are you & Theseus' brother in love too?"

Tina blushed at the question.

"Well, it's...I-I just, um..."

"I feel like that answers the question," Nagini smiled.

"These are tense times & we don't really have time for romance," Tina sighed.

"Of course you do. You need someone to support you."

"Newt supports me but as a friend. I'm not even sure he thinks of me that way."

"I've met Newt once & the way he was looking at you speaks volumes."

"Really? How does he look at me?"

"Like you hung the stars & moon."

Tina nodded to herself. "O-Okay. This is definitely something I wasn't expecting, but its good to know. See you tomorrow, then."

Nagini waved as Tina slipped out the door.

End of flashback

Both Newt & Tina stayed quiet, blushing at every comment.

"Okay! Let's go home," Theseus picked up the picnic basket.

Everyone linked in some way. Newt & Tina held hands, Tina hooked arms with Jacob, Theseus had a hand on Jacob's shoulder & Nagini was nervously latched onto Theseus' elbow. (She wasn't used to apparating.)

With a pop! the empty field with a cherry tree was empty once more.


Hey y'all! I'm so devastatingly sorry it's short. I wanted to write more but I'm having a bit of writers block & I wanted to pump out another chapter. My aim nowadays is a chapter a month. 

I'm sorry it's going so slow, plus NaNoWriMo is coming up soon & I've been planning my story. No writers block on that book yet so I'm just overflowing with ideas.

Oh, and you're welcome. Yay they kissed!

Stay safe & wash your goddamn hands.

See y'all soon!

- Fangurl_700

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