Self Conscious

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-Breaking News – July 27, 2013-

A third murder occurs at a luxury hotel just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. The victims where a mother and her alleged son, little information is known about either of them, or the murderer at this time. Police will continue investigation while the hotel remains open for business. The only sure thing that has been publicly announced was a statement from a house detective staying in the hotel at the time, he said:

“It is all strange to us, but one thing is clear: they were all running, or trying to escape, this tells us a lot about the killer.”

More details will be available at the end of the week.

That house detective was me, Jim Gauller. I had been sent to this hotel after the first murder to watch and ask around about it. By the time the second occurred, it was clear that this criminal knew what he was doing. Now a third that involved two people… I could not understand how this could all be done so quickly so that nobody ever saw anything. I’ve written all my thoughts, theories, ideas, questions, all in my room in the hotel, where I am living at this point, since there was no show to an end to these murders.

I was “stationed” in room 604, sixth floor in an 8-story building. It was a nice hotel, save for the murders. I have always had a certain way about my investigations, I have always searched for consistency, something the killer or his victims always did. I knew well that any criminal, especially murderers, had a specific style to their work and if you can pin down something that all the victims had in common, in life, or in their death, you could eventually figure out who was doing it.

The only thing I could find for sure is that all murders happened in or around the hotel, so there is a good chance the murderer is in the hotel. All the victims seemed to have been running… The first was partway down the stairs, his room door left wide open. However, the strangest thing about this series of “hotel murderers” was that it had all happened before; first in a hotel in Miami, then just two years ago in a hotel in a drive-through town in Alabama.

I spun my chair to meet my desk with all the papers, and occasionally I would stare out the window, more out of paranoia than boredom, and began to write these newest facts. I was deeply immersed in my own writings when I heard a shriek from what sounded to be the other end of the hall on his floor. I shot up from his seat, the screams were of terror and they didn’t stop, but instead, only seemed to get closer. I shuffled to his door and, without a second thought, flung it open to see a man, maybe 30 years old, running down the hall in complete horror. I reached out my hand to give the man a secure place to stop… Why didn’t he stop…

-Breaking News – July 29, 2013-

Another death has occurred at the luxury hotel outside Las Vegas. A man is found on the ground at the foot of the hotel, with the 6th floor window shattered. A house detective, on the floor as a witness at the time, says:

“I offered my help, safety, but he didn’t want it, he only wanted the window. I saw nothing on the other end of the hall, but I do know that it takes more than the fear of death to make a man take his own life.”

More details on this, as well as the previous murder that occurred just two days ago, very soon.

What I had said was true. I had once met a man, or more of, been assigned to him, to take care of him. He was completely insane, constantly speaking of various visions telling me that he “knew what imagination is” and “this is real.” He was a very messed up person and shot himself and his kid because of reasons unknown.

Anyway, I was now on high alert. This was the closest he had ever been and now, it was not only clear that whoever was doing this was in the hotel, but on this floor, or at least moving floors. There were too many things I was unsure about, as I looked down at all his papers and research… there was nothing. Obviously there were my papers, but they meant nothing. Nobody cared where this murderer is, only who it is, and how it can be stopped.

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