The Man Who Looked Down

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Before you read or listen to this, make sure you are alone. If you are in a room, close the door. If you are by a window, look outside and make sure there is no one there. The only way others should know about this story is by reading it, or listening to it themselves. Do not repeat this out loud to anyone, he will hear you.

But you are able to read it to yourself or record yourself. Right now, these are the only two exceptions I know about. Once you think you're alone, look at the screen, and do not take your eyes off of it until you are finished reading or listening to a recording. He will know if you look away.

It started on Sunday, November 4th, 2012. I'm in my senior year of high school and I have...well, had a wonderful girlfriend. We were at my house, mourning about school the next day and terribly bored. She came over so I could help her with a project that just had to be due the next day. I had hoped we would be able to fool around a little, but she needed this A or she would fail the marking period. We finished around 8 o'clock and she didn't need to leave until 10.

So we still had 2 hours with each other and the only other person who was home was my little 8 year old sister whom I had to baby sit. My parents were at some dinner meeting until 10, but I knew them too well. They would be home around midnight but I wanted to play it safe because they don't allow my girlfriend over past 8. They were afraid I would get her pregnant or something. We went on the internet because there was nothing else to do. She wasn't in the mood to fool around and I couldn't stand another homework assignment. The internet was the only means of escaping these dull hours.

We watched videos on YouTube for a while, looking up the newest popular videos until we ended up watching some creepypastas. We both have been watching creepypastas before we were dating, so we knew what to expect and we had a hard time becoming truly scared of them like we used too. We kept trying to find some that would scare us, but the videos we watched weren't as scary as we had hoped. By now it was almost 9:30 and we were upset that none of the videos we watched were creeping us out. We were about to give up on searching until I saw this unusual thumb tag. All it showed was a man standing with his head looking down and hair covering his face.

What was strange about the thumb tag was that there was no time limit and no author just a title that read, "The Man who looked down."

We both agreed that this would be the final video and if it didn't creep us out, we would give up. I moved my mouse to press on the video link and the moment I pressed it the video went into full screen and the man I saw in the thumb tag was standing there. I moved my mouse around to find the loading bar but it wasn't there. I pressed escape on my keyboard to get out of full screen, but the screen didn't move. For a second I thought the computer was frozen. But in the video, the man was standing in what seemed to be a front lawn of a house I've never seen before and the tree next to him was moving with the wind. My girlfriend and I had no idea what was going on. But I never took my eyes away from the screen because I felt like there was something I had to see. And if I took my eyes away for any moment, I would miss something.

I don't know how long my girlfriend and I stared at that man, waiting for something. It felt like a couple minutes. But while I was staring at him, I felt like something was wrong, like something was changing me. I actually felt scared. I don't know if my girlfriend felt it, but I didn't have time to think about that before I felt something grab my shoulder so tight the nails pierced my skin. I turned around to see the face of my father. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by my girlfriend's ear shattering scream. I whirled back around to almost scream myself.

The man had looked up and must have run closer to the screen because all I could see was his face now staring at me. The background was now completely white. The hair was out of the way to show his disfigured face. His nose was torn on the left nostril, allowing people to look inside of the hole into his head. His mouth was opening larger than any normal human could bear. Part of his cheek was missing with a hole about the size of a large fist. He had no tongue and no top row of teeth. Only a bottom row of dark, chipped, teeth that were pure black. But the part of his face that will never leave my mind is his eyes. They were half red and half white.

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