Waking Up

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I wake up.

It's bright in here. Extremely bright. What is this place? A prison? A hospital? There are 4 solid walls, a stiff cot, and a small vent. Is there a door? I don't see a door. Where the hell am I? How did I get here?

Think... what happened? Remember what happened... Where was I last night? Where did I fall asleep? Shit... I can't think. I can't think of anything. Is this some fucked up experiment? I can't think. I can't even think of my damn name! Who am I?

WAIT! Look around you, idiot. Solid walls. Locked in a room. I'm in an insane asylum. That's it! I'm nuts! I was nuts, at least. I'm with it now. Am I cured? Can I leave?

I stand up. I check in with myself. I'm nude. I'm extremely clean, though, just like the rest of this room. Everything around me is white and spotless. It's so damn bright here.

"Hello? Is there anyone here? I need help!" I shout. There's no response.

"Someone! Please!"

I begin to walk around feeling of the walls. Where is the door? There has to be a door here. What the fuck? There HAS to be a door!

There's nothing. Smooth, seamless walls. I look under the cot to see if there is anything else at all in this room. I'm unsurprised that there's nothing down there.

Am I in an insane asylum? This seems too surreal. Where the hell am I? Why can't I even remember my own fucking name???

"Hey! You're finally up, are you?" I hear an old man's voice coming from the vent. I run over, extremely excited.

"YES! What's going on? Who are you? What is all of this!?" I yell enthusiastically. I look into the vent to see nothing but darkness.

"You don't remember any of this, do you?" He asks me.

"No. I don't remember anything from before waking up just now."

"That's okay." He says with a hint of a chuckle in his voice. "I think that you will do great."

What? I'm so tired of this feeling of being so fucking lost. I want to understand.

"Please," I beg. "What is happening? Who are you? Who am I?"

I hear only silence.

"TELL ME!" I scream. It echoes through the vent, and I am answered with nothing.

Hours pass.

I'm left alone with my thoughts. I try so hard to reach into the corners of my mind, and figure out who the hell I am. This is all so alien to me. I don't know why, because I don't have any memories of my life to compare it to, but I know that I want out of here. I have to get out of here.

I walk along the walls, feeling every single inch for any sign of an exit. There HAS to be something. It isn't like this place was built around me! Why can't I find anything? Hours and hours go by, with nothing. I scream for help until my throat is sore, but there's no point. If anyone's listening, if that man is still out there, he's not going to answer. Finally, exhausted, I lie back down.

When I awake there is food here. A tray with bread, rice, and a piece of steak sits in the corner. There is a glass of water with it. I'm extremely hungry, so I have no hesitation as I walk over and dig in. It's delicious. I'm so happy. After it's all gone, I finally come to my senses and begin to once again ponder on where I am.

I go over to the vent and yell, "Hello?"

"Hello!" I hear back, in a cheerful tone.

"Who are you?" I ask.

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