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Dear Diary,

So, I got my computer today. I convinced my parents that I needed it for my studies, I just wanted to be able to get on Facebook after my dad got home at 7. I mean, what kind of curfew is 7, right? My old diary is falling apart as is so I figured I’d do it here. I found a program that does it for me. Aside from the unicorn on the home screen, it’s pretty useful. So, today David talked to me, I totally froze up. Why would he talk to me? I’m totally not his type. I’m supposed to help him on his homework on Wednesday. He’s so cute. =) I like that I can use smilies in my diary now. I’m so glad I got this computer. Time to go brag on Facebook, it’s going to be a fun weekend.



Dear Diary,

So, David’s friend posted on Facebook that he was reading creepy pastas. He was doing it WITH DAVID!!! He posted the link to one of the sites. It’s cool, it’s like urban legends but there’s a lot of them. I don’t think I’m going to get much done this weekend as far as studying goes. Well, I’m off to do some reading, smile.jpg got me hooked. That picture is soooo creepy.


Dear Diary,

I didn’t know whether to call this the third or the fourth, it’s 4 a.m. and I can’t sleep, ugh! I’ve read so many of these things and I can’t stop. I’ll probably be asleep all day. Oh well, what are weekends for?


Dear Diary,

Well, I don’t think I need to post the date again since it’s still the same day. It’s 6 p.m. and I can’t sleep. Every time I cut the lights off I just know that some ghost is watching me, that Slenderman is ready to smother me in his cold embrace. (I heard that line in a movie, like it?) Oh well, I may as well do some more reading. I’ll wear myself out eventually.



Dear Diary,

I don’t even know how I did it. I totally missed Monday, I don’t remember Sunday night ever happening, I think I might have slept but I don’t remember it or feel like I did. I went to school today. I was sent home, I called the teacher “Mom” and she said I looked like I was still ill and needed more time to recover. I got home, laid down for 4 hours, and then got on here. I just can’t sleep. I don’t know what could be hiding behind my eyelids. I just got a message on Facebook that David asked where I was. He totally realized I was gone. OMG! I need to sleep before our study date tomorrow.



Worst day ever! I couldn’t sleep bt I didnt realize the time until David showed up. He cancelled nd left as quick as he could. I could tell my apperance scared him. I couldnt blame him. I looked worse then ever. I need sleep, i keep seeing people out of the corner of my eyes.


I dnt know what to say bit im pretty sure im being watched right now. Most of the shadows go away but theres a new shadow in my corner. It hasnt been there before. I don’t want to talk to it. I dont want it to talk



Dear diary

It is smilin wider and wider. This is all its done is smile and make iself more visbl . I cany imagine something like this. He is wearin nice shoes and very nice suit and a very nice bowler hat. Aside frm the eyes and smile he looks nice. His eyes open sideways and he has at least three times the teeth i do. I want him to talk his stare is scary.




He sad hes gonna call me maddy and brought me a kind of flowr i havent seen before. It seem to change color in my hand. He says to call him “M” and that i cant pronounce or even hear his real name. He wont say much else. I want to go downstais and see my parents but it seems far. M assures me that they r fine.



Dear diary i went downstairs and my house is empty All my furniturke gon and the note on the door says that the house has been condemned since aprl 4 2013. It is a year and a half away almost. There is a hole in my livingroomfloor tht seems to dig partway into the basement. There’s blood all around this hole. I just googled it n saw tht a famil of 3 had been msdered in my house n i saw my picture! It was sad. I wonder if David was sad. It appeers as ritualistic sacrifice. M is talking, reassuring, he wants to take me to a place where i cn be happy agan i dont want to hear it. The name Maddy sounds stupid anyway. He seems angry.


Hello Diary,

I seem to be suffering from a state of being not unlike somnambulism, as a result I have conjured up absolutely ridiculous images including but not limited to this “man in a bowler hat.” Please disregard my previous entries as they were clearly the ravings of a lunatic.

Love, Maddy

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