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Namjoon was particularly having a bad day. His morning started off with a tiff with Jin, after the kiss when his boyfriend hurried towards his wing he noticed Jin's phone was still with him and he had forgotten to hand it over to him after his daily morning checks that he did everyday through the phone. He was late for his classes so he just put Jin's phone back in the car and walked up to his classes and sat with Hoseok and Yoongi as usual. His head was still throbbing and he kept rubbing hi forehead all through the first class. Jin had thought about going to the arcade with his friends without Namjoon... Gosh even the idea appalled him and Jin actually thought of doing it. He had shot Jin down even before he asked him and hoped Jin never had such ideas again. Ever since they were little Namjoon has seen the kind of attention his boyfriend gets, as long as Jin was with him he would make sure he glared at anyone looking at him and made sure Jin was in his corner but if Jin went out without him and actually liked back any of his many admirers means he would leave Namjoon and he will never let such a thing happen. This was mostly why Namjoon never let Jin go anywhere without him but to make up for his controlling behavior he would take him on weekend vacations, date nights, movies, and always fulfilled all his wishes. Whatever Jin wanted he got long as he stayed within Namjoon's sight.

Namjoon was a popular kid in his wing. His astonishing looks and sexy personality made people drop on their knees to be with him. He had lost count to how many people he had rejected. Everyone knew he was in a relationship but they tried their luck regardless only to get shot down each time.

Jackson Wang was one of such people who admired Namjoon. He loved how smart the guy was, he also knew how passionately he loved his boyfriend. The Namjin couple was quite famous in the entire college due to the handful of brawls Namjoon had gotten into for his beloved Kim Seokjin. He hoped he would one day replace Seokjin in Namjoon's life. Jackson was a manipulative person and knew Namjoon's passion can be turned against him. Today he had received a vital information from one of his friends from culinary section stating how Seokjin had missed his classes and gone out with his friends. He smirked waiting for the classes to end and anticipating the fun he's going to have.

After the classes got over he waited exactly 15mins watching Namjoon getting restless as he waited for his boyfriend. Namjoon was getting anxious as he waited for Jin he had already checked the library and had come back to the parking lot but Jin was no where in sight. He could not even call him as Jin's phone was also with him. He groaned as the day kept getting worse today as usual another girl had approached him at lunch stating how in love she was with him after he had rejected her politely she wept and Namjoon had to comfort her most of his lunch hour already with a headache and hungry stomach. He was looking forward to the comfort of Jin's arm and now even his boyfriend was late.

When Jackson finally approached Namjoon he started off sweet after all he was looking to score the guy and did not wanted to come off looking bitchy. "Hey Joon, what's up?" "Hi Jackson how are you?" Namjoon let out a tight smile. "I am fine Joon, I've been meaning to congratulate you, you were exceptional with the statistics model project you made. Can we get together some day I would really like to learn it, stats has really been a weak point of mine", Namjoon smiled at the compliment "Sure Jackson. Thank you for liking my project" Namjoon was the student president and always helped out his friends with anything he could. "Why are you still here, usually you are off as soon as the classes are over", "Yeah i am just waiting on for Jin he's not out yet seems", "What doesn't culinary section get over before us?" Jackson was close to hitting homerun in his mind, "Yeah generally he's never late" Namjoon said scanning the area again. "Ahh dude he might have not come back yet, why don't you call him or his friends he left with?" Namjoon scrunched his eyes, "Left with?" "Yeah aren't you aware Mark my friend from culinary said Jin and his friends missed the last two classes. Said he saw them heading out at lunch maybe they aren't back yet. Why don't you just pick him up from where ever they are?" Jackson saw a range of emotions washed over Namjoon's face.

Namjoon was surprised with this piece of information and soon it turned to anger. He understood Jin had defied him and left with his friends. He did not even have time to process the information when Jackson continued "Oh Gosh were you not aware? Did I say something wrong here? I am sorry Joon I am not looking to stir trouble in your relationship but might I add if he's not telling you where he's going it's definitely some place bad. Things that are hidden are hidden for a reason Joon. Is everything alright between you two? It may seem like I am prying but as your friend I only want the best for you." Namjoon felt like he was looking like a complete fool in front of his friend, one who seemed to be genuinely concerned." I am sure he will explain once he's back, actually he forgot his phone in the car today so he was not able to inform me" Namjoon was still trying to process that Jin had left to someplace without him. Jackson was also aware of another piece of information about this relationship, one he was holding on to use at the right time, one he had heard when Namjoon was discussing with his friends, and one he was going use now as the final nail in the coffin, "Joon if you don't mind can I ask you one more thing, it's important", "Sure Jackson what is it?", "Have you guys taken you're relationship to the next level?", Namjoon understood what Jackson meant and even though he failed to see how that was important now he wanted to listen to his friend's reasoning. "Ahh no, not yet. Jin wants to take things slow", "But Namjoon it's been what three years since you guys are together, we are nineteen already why is he holding out on you. You know if you piece both the information together he might not be serious about you. Lying to you, hiding things, and reluctant to give all of himself to you maybe he's still not sure about things with you. We all know how popular and Handsome Seokjin is what if he's scouting his options while being with you. What if he eventually finds someone better and leaves you already. I hope I am wrong but even if he's having such thoughts I would recommend you not to be in to deep. Heartbreak is a bitch and i do not wish it upon my worst enemy. Honestly speaking had you have been my boyfriend I would have given myself to you the first day and spent each day showing how much I loved you. You deserve nothing but the best Joon. " with a little misty eyes Jackson finished putting thoughts in Namjoon's mind and walked off hurriedly pretending to break down in tears.

Namjoon knew the heartbreak his friend was talking about was given to him by himself. Jackson had asked Namjoon out within the first week they met and after Namjoon had rejected him they stayed friends though he did not see Jackson dating anyone else and today he understood he might have still be holding a torch for him. But his mind went to more pressing matters, what Jackson said could it have been true. Is that why even after three years of a happy relationship Jin still never wanted to have sex with him. Agreed they had some heavy make out sessions which eventually led to hand jobs and just recently they were exploring blow jobs but still they never went all the way. Namjoon always thought it was because Jin was shy but could it be as Jin was not sure about him. Could it be Jin would leave him eventually? All types of thoughts kept running through his mind as he kept pacing in front of his car furious.

After more five minutes he saw Jin running towards him while two guys stayed a little away looking at them he figured them to be Jin's friends. Even before he could say anything an arcade game ticket fell from Jin's pocket and all hell broke loose.

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