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"Hey!...... Hey Empyr............. Can you hear me?" A voice called out to me as I lay in a deep slumber. My head ached when I tried to open my eyes the sun blinding me. I took a sharp breath throwing the covers over my face in reaction hating the pain it caused. 

"Ilysia, he is waking!" I heard Lil yell down the hallway my eyes peering from hooded lids. Nan came storming into the room heading to my side grabbing my hand as I look up at her waking up more. 

"Thank the goddess," Nan sighed in relief squeezing my hand. 

"W-What happened?" I press my voice croaking out. Nan grab a glass of water letting me drink from it as Lil changed my headdress before exiting. 

"Solomon, he found you out far past his borders passed out on someone's farm. He said you were glowing in silver light before a flash of what appeared to be fire appeared and you fell." Nan looked into my eyes searching for any sign that it wasn't me. 

"Well... that explains the dream," I spoke softly before sitting up. "Luna that is my she wolf's name, but it feels there is more to me than that." 

Nan nodded before slumping and keeping her head down," Did she tell you?"

I nodded leaning back and running my hand through my hair. "What she said, regardless of how it happened, will be okay. I am not afraid of her." I smiled softly feeling her power in me now. The feeling that she gave was peaceful after last night. 

Nan smiled softly before sitting up straight, "Well if that is how you feel then I won't worry about it. I do need to ask did she want to make a deal?" Nan bit her lip in thought while looking at me. 

"She wanted to, but I told her I would dominate her before she devoured my soul," Nan laughed shaking her head hearing what I said to Luna. 

"Child you are an inspiration," Nan ruffled my head before getting up. "Well when you feel like it, make sure you say thank you to Solomon. I'm not sure how, but he knew you were in trouble before I did." 

Adam suddenly appeared in the doorway and looked at me seeing me in bed. Nan immediately blocked his view, but his eyes were threatening. 

"Don't worry elder one, I only want to see the black wolf who hurt our Alpha in training," I looked at Nan. 

"What does he mean?" I asked before feeling pain on my side and look seeing bandages wrapped tight around me.

Nan couldn't respond before Adam came directly over me and punched my gut, "You attacked our Alpha when he was trying to calm down your wolf form. However, you almost overpowered him and could have gone on a rampage." He growled deep down causing me to shrink into the bed. 

Luna appeared and smirked, "No worries I only wanted to test the Alpha in training to see if he was worthy." I frowned at her confused by what she meant. 

"Hey, focus!" Adam growled holding my collar as I was gripping my stomach. At that moment Nan snapped and grabbed him by his neck slamming him into the wall. Her eyes were full silver the same as Lil. Matriarch's eyes always changed silver when they access their power. 

"How dare you touch my child, our Alpha. The vessel of our Goddess," Nan walked silently towards Adam as he coughs up blood calling on backup. Salazar came in racing in hearing the call from Adam. Solomon showed up next only to push past Nan to me seeing that I spit up my own blood into my hand. 

"Ilysia stop!"Salazar got between her and adam. She grabbed him with full force and barely moved him out of the way. He growled about to pounce on her in wolf form when I changed immediately and stood by Nan. 

"Nan, calm down," my voice soothed over Nan's nerves allowing her to breathe and relinquish the power. However, Luna still laughed in the shadows. I assume she had something to do with Nan losing her patience. 

Adam spits blood on the ground panting. His fury filled the room but was soon dominated by Solomon's own anger. He knew already what Adam did having seen me. Salazar intervened though. I only looked on confused by all the heightened tension in the room. 

"Adam you should not have attacked Empyr," Salazar spoke calmly barely keeping his own son in check. 

"He attacked Solomon how could you be okay with that? You can feel it right? Empyr is trying to pull us from our Alpha!" Adam glared at me as Solomon stepped forward. 

I didn't realize how tall he really was until I stood by him and was four inches shorter. Solomon looked at me his eyes soft and looking over my body. He then turned to Adam, "Adam you took this farther than you should have. If I catch you touching Empyr in any way again you can kiss this clan goodbye," Solomon spoke calmer than even his father, but his eyes betrayed the fury he held. 

I stepped back confused by everyone's reaction before Luna stepped up. 

"Little one, you are going to have so much fun," she whispered wrapping her arms around me and making my body feel hot and bothered. "I'm so glad I woke up fully just before your 18th birthday," I growled and fell back into the bed trying to fight the heat when cool air blew across me. 

Solomon and Adam had both stopped and were starring at me. Their eyes were riveted to my body. My neck was bared and the blanket across me had uncovered my legs leaving only a little bit of my body covered now.  The way they stripped me as if I was meat before a starved lion. 

Nan stepped between me and them. "You all need to leave, now!" Her voice snapped Solomon and Adam from what they were doing. Salazar grabbed both their arms as they fought to stay in the room. 

"He smells like a woman in heat. I want to taste, no my wolf wants a taste," Adam and Solomon both growled at Salazar before he got them both out and locked the door. 

I was panting as Nan held my hand and cooled me down with her abilities getting Luna to relax even. 

"Nan what is happening to me?" I looked up at her laying back in bed covered up. 

"Your 18th birthday is tomorrow," She smiled and kissed my forehead. "You will be a man and I want to proclaim you Alpha of the Silverite Clan. After that, you can do whatever you would like," She ruffled my hair and exited the room. 

That still didn't answer my question, finally relaxing after the interruptions. Luna came out again making me feel as if she laid right beside me. 

"Do you not really know what happens when you turn of age?" Luna looked at me a bit surprised, "Darling it should not be that surprising!" 

"Well these last two years, no the last 18 years of my life, I have no idea about anything." I turned away from her frustrated. 

"Hey, no need to take it out on me!" She moved to the other side of me and looked into my eyes. "I promise you this that I will ensure no Alpha, no man who thinks they can be weak in taking you even get a chance," She smirked while I buried my face into the pillows groaning. 

"I don't know if I want to be here anymore," 

"It will be fun! I will give you all the stylish tips you need to become a mate worth desiring every day!" Luna grinned as she made her wardrobe appear and changed outfits in front of me. 

"You have a fabulous style, but I'm a guy last I checked," Shaking my head 

"Oh stop being such a worrywart. Just go and enjoy the party," Luna disappeared with that 

Lil soon appeared holding dinner and left it on the tray next to my bed. Since she is Salazar's mate she handles many duties of the household as Matriarch. That also includes caring for the sick and injured. She does not like me though, so I can understand it. 

I ate the soup she brought which settled my stomach for the night as I fell back asleep the stress and aggravation of today catching up to my mind. 

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