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We traveled for two weeks our bodies going accustomed to the lesser amount of magical energy in the area. While Nan had no trouble keeping her wolf form going I had to battle with mine. While the ceremony had been interrupted I had been the last to fully change. I never got to fully introduce myself to my inner Wolf. 

In the last two years Nan forbid me from actually changing into my wolf form for more than a day a time. She did not want to tempt fate until she gathered more knowledge about my eyes and markings on my wolf body. Though she did have me practice speaking to the black stripped aura deep inside me. One day I saw the eyes of a wolf with pure black eyes but with a hidden color deep in them. She sniffed the air softly before standing up on all fours. 

Her coat was silky and long similar to a Borzoi hound, but on the body of a wolf. Black as midnight with tips of white frosting a line down her back she circled me as we ran across the forests floor Nan. She held a regal form even as her eyes came level with mine. Empyr, her voice carried a soft but commanding tone across my mind. 

Looking at her quizzically I responded,"You know me?" 

"I know of you, because you and I are the same," She smiled mischeviously before vanishing into the shadows. 

Shaking my head I look around my nose picking up on rabbits and other forest floor animals making my stomach grumble. Traveling in this form always leaves me famished as I came to a slow stop by a giant tree with Nan in the front stopping sniffing. 

"What is it Nan?" I came up smelling the air just as a howl sounded in the distance. The sun now stood high above casting shadows through the leaves. Nan looked at me and signaled that we were going around. 

Nodding I followed her lead picking up a faster pace just as I looked back smelling the unfamiliar markings of another clan. It was a small patrol not expecting any nomadic wolves to be passing through. Four wolves came out of the treeline just as we darted around another tree. I caught sight of the lead wolf a massive bundle of muscle its coat grey with age. Behind it look like newly changed wolves hyper and excited. I shook my head and moved faster as I heard their call of chase. 

Nan was already farther ahead as I pushed myself to catch up. We could outrun them as long as their clan don't all show up out of nowhere. However, we were already getting closer the middle of their lands as more marked spots appeared. 

"Nan we need to get out of here," I spoke through our mind link. Her eyes peeked at me as we ran faster along the worn out paths traveled by game. 

"Who are we Empyr," She whispered in my mind grinning her body growing to show her strength. 

"We are Silverite Wolves, the followers of the Moon," I howled as my own body grew in strength drawing on the earth as the patrol group we had following us fell farther behind. 

"That is right my child," She howled as we sped through the lands of an unknown clan. 

A howl sounded from the main forest only 10 miles ahead of us. I looked back to see 3 patrols coming out of the tree lines now charging toward us. Nan and I only grinned as we have sparred and faced each other countless times for this moment. Not even counting Nan's abilities, we would be able to match the rookie groups coming at us right now. 

At least that is what we thought until we felt the presence of the Beta and Alpha of this Clan. The air changed in front of us with blood lust pouring from the tree lines. Nan stopped in the middle with me by her side. We sat on our haunches as if nothing had happened and stretched out relaxed. 

"Keep up your guard, we don't know what they will do," Nan looked at me with all serious. I nodded. "Stay quiet and I shall do the talking and also ask your inner wolf to relax," 

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