━━ 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐀𝐗 - 𝐏𝟏 ━━

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Warnings: LOTS-O-FLUFF, also any mention of "teasing" from the party is meant as "friend teasing" as in "ooOo _ and _ sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" kinda teasing not homophobic teasing lmfao

Key: H/C = hair color


"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!"

Dustin Henderson riffles through the plump cushions of his sitting room couch, throwing them around as he searches frantically for loose change. He abandoned the now disheveled couch and runs into the living room, where his mother sits, watching television and petting the cat.

Dustin begins riffing through the living room couch, angered at his lack of luck.

"Another stupid penny!" He huffs, chucking the penny across the room, startling the cat.

"Dusty, watch it!" His mother scolds. "You almost hit Mews."

"Can I please check under your cushions?" He pleads.


"Mom, please? It's an emergency!" He whines.

In a mocking tone, his mother lets out a fake whine as she stands up from the chair which the boy returns.

"Who's your buddy? Who's your buddy?" She coos softly into the feline's ears.

Dustin, all the while wasted no time in checking the rocking chairs cushions.

"Honey, where's your brother? He's going with you, right?"

"Yeah, he's coming. Don't know where he is though." He throws over his shoulder as he continues to search.

Dustin stops when he feels the tips of his fingers graze the cold metal of the coins. Grabbing a hold of them, he smirks knowing he has some arcade money.

He hastily runs out of the room, bidding his mother farewell.

"Love you, mom."

Running down the halls, he comes to a stop at his bedroom door. Grabbing his headset off the nightstand he switches it on.

"Lucas, you copy? I've got four quarters. What's your haul?"

There is hardly a beat of silence before a response from Lucas Sinclair comes through.

"Take your puny haul and multiply it by five."

"How?" He asks bewildered.

"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Humphrey's lawn."

"Old Man Humphrey's got that kinda cash?"

"Dustin!" A voice echoed throughout the house.

Sighing, Dustin brushed off the calls knowing he would only be a second.

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂² || Will Byers x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now