Chapter 3 Lightning's letter to race

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      "GET UP!!!"


       " Because"

"Because why??"

"Chores, Lightning, Brett,"


"Waking you up, DUHH,"

"Wheres Brett?

"Doing your chores!!!"


"Because he likes you!!"

"How do you know?"

"Because Callie told me so,"

"So thats why he kissed me," I whisper under my breath


"Oh nothing,"

I have to tell Al, but I cant what if he makes fun of me?  

"Al," I say when he starts to walk away

"Yeah?" He turns back

"Can I tell you something, secret?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so,"

"OK, here I go, Brett and I....I....I....,"

"What, what did you and Brett do?"

"Kissed," I say

"Oh, OK, whatever"

           That was easier than I thought.

Then he walks off. He either doesnt care or doesnt want me to feel uncomfortable. Well I am glad he didnt make a big deal out of it.

            I walk outside, and find a piece of paper that says:

"ATTENTION! All horse racers are invited top race on the annual contest on July 14!"

            Great! Lightning and I have always raced and now there is another race next month! Perfect! I run to tell Brett!

"Brett! Come Here" I yell

"What? Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, but everything has gone right! Theres a race Lightning and I are going to be in!"


"Yeah, I know!"

           I run past him and he follows. I run to Lightning and there he is:A Beautiful brown horse with strong, muscular legs. My horse. My racing horse, Lightning.

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