Chapter 4 "Professional,"

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I wake up super early and manage to get my chores done before breakfast! Mom walks downstairs.

"Mornin. Why are you up so early?"

"Because, i am training Lightning to race again,"

"Honey, once a racin horse always a racin horse."

"Yeah, of course, but we haven't been in a race in a month now! So, we both have to get back into shape!"

"Whatever you say, Caroline,"

"Hey wheres dad?"

"At Ricks, why?"

"Because, I need a ride to town, and some money."

Al and I drive up to a place where you get a suit for racin.

"Caroline, why do you need a NEW racin outfit? You have billions."

"I need a new on so, I look professional,"

"Oh my,"


"Isn't that the coolest riding outfit you've ever seen?"

The racing outfit is all black and has lightning bolts down both sides, and so does the hat and stick.

"I want that one," I say calmly and awestruck

"OK," he says and we go and buy it

I go home and saddle up with Lightning. I also put on our uniforms. I train and train by doing sprints and nonstop jogs around the farm. And it seems to be too easy for him, so we do sprints around the whole farm.

"What did you expect Caroline?"

"For this to be a little more difficult."

"He's a racing horse, he'll be fine. Now why don't you go get ready for bed so you can train in the morning?"

"Alright," I say, and I walk into the house.

I walk upstairs and hear Callie and Al laughing, and I'm all alone. I walk into my bedroom and wonder why Callie is ALWAYS here?! Oh well "none of my business,"Al would say

I change and notice Brett at my window

"what are you doing?! "



"Literally hanging off of the side of your window. Now can I please come in?"

"Yes, of course. What are you doing?!"

"Coming to see you," he says add he walks slowly towards me.

"OK," I say smiling

Instead he walks past me and sits on my bed and asks me,

"What's happening?"


"Racing. What are you going to race again, huh?"

"Next month, we're racing, I already told you this,"


"A few days ago,"

"Oh I know,"

"So why did you come here?"

"To ask you that,"

"You already knew. So why did you actually come here Brett?"

"To be with you,"



"Because why?"

"Because I love you,"

There is long silence between us.

"Oh ok," I say, I don't want to make him feel too uncomfortable. "I need to tell you something,"


"The race,"

"What about it?"

"It's in a few weeks,"

"Yeah, I know, what about it?"

"It's two hours away, and I want you to come along,"

"Um, why,"


"Because why?"

"I want you to actually see me race!"

"Ok then, I'll go,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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