Chapter Fourteen

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When Emma came back to the lake a week later at the exact time she always do, Regina was already there. She took the liberty of building the tent as to save the princess some time, Regina had said. Emma simply thanked her and put her hair in a bun with a paint brush holding it. Emma didn't dare ask what Regina was doing while Emma is painting and Regina said nothing so, Emma let it go. Even now that they're sharing light lunch, which includes fruits, like they always do, neither women said a thing. They're comfortable, both are aware of the change in their surrounding and relationship.

Of course Emma has to ruin it, "Not like you asked nor you are required to go but... My birthday is in two weeks. You could come."

"I beg your pardon?" Regina asked with her voice in higher octave than her usual; the complete contentment in her chest earlier is now gone.

Emma gulped and right then knew that she should have just shut up. "I know not because you could mean you should and would, but you know you are a friend of mine and it would only be appropriate if I invite you-"

"You really are an idiot!" Regina, now standing outside the tent, cut the blonde before the latter can even finish.

Emma held up a finger, challenging Regina to silence. "And you are stupid for not letting me finish. It's a masquerade ball," Emma paused to emphasize. "Like I said you don't need to go if you don't want-"

Emma found herself being cut again when Regina exasperated, "Of course I wouldn't come! They would recognize me!"

"That's why it's a masquerade ball! And I requested it just like that!" Emma sighed, "You know what, forget I asked." The blonde made to stand and grabbed her bag to put it outside the tent so she can start putting the sheets away.

Regina started pacing outside the tent, her thoughts running miles in second; how dare her.

Emma finished dissembling the makeshift tent and put it at the same hiding spot she found before. Without saying goodbye she turned her back and started walking away.

Regina was left rooted at her spot, watching Emma walk away. The last thing she remembered before she turned completely at the Princess' direction, still not walking, was Emma removing the paint brush that held her blonde hair in a bun.

Regina was thinking if she should add a layer of beads around the waistline of her gown. She thinks she should just put these beads on the hem of the gown's long and loose sleeve. She pulled back her waist-length dark brown hair and started working.

She eventually decided that Emma meant well with her invitation. And a night at a ball hidden behind a mask, watching a certain blonde dress up like a grown woman wouldn't hurt. It's not like anybody will notice her. She was once married to their king and only addressed a little time, what more if she's just a face- a mask in the crowd?

And so she went to the market, hidden under her cloak. Bought the best gown she can buy with her money. She ended up with a not so complicated but neither so simple blue gown, with flowing chiffon sleeves that shows her arms almost reaching her wrist, respectable neckline, and goes darker shades of blue as it goes down. The only adjustment Regina did was adding pearls to decorate it. Like the scattered small beads at the entire gown and now the additional regular sized beads in the sleeves. A straight and thick petticoat will surely make it look ready for a ball.

There were knocks in the door. Regina frowned. She doesn't really like to get up from her position, Alice knows she's allowed to go inside, and she's in the middle of sewing the third bead on the sleeve. And whoever it is behind the door knocked again. The brunette was forced to let go of the needle as she went to open the door. What she saw behind it was Emma, with her fist mid-air as if to knock in a shocked expression. Regina smirked. "Do close your mouth, Princess."

Emma blinked rapidly and processed, "Good afternoon, Regina." She continued gaping even after the brunette opened her door a little wider for her to come in. And when she was inside with Regina's back in her, closing the door, she gaped harder at the long and straight dark brown hair.

"What had you so entranced you seem to forget how to close your mouth?" Regina narrowed her eyes at the blonde.

"Your... Your hair," Emma pointed at Regina's head. "It's my first time seeing it like that."

Regina touched her hair consciously. It was indeed the blonde's first time seeing it down, "Oh, yes." Regina started walking to where she's doing her work and she felt Emma following her and she remembered that her gift for the Princess is lying somewhere there. She quickly turned around and almost bumped into the blonde and said, "Princess, you need to turn around."

"What? Why?" Emma asked, a little too late for she was forcefully turned around by Regina.

"Stay here, and do not peek." Regina rushed through the room and grabbed the gift she found in the market. It isn't much and she knows the Princess can have another hundred of this if she so wanted but it was something Regina knows Emma needs. She hid it at Alice's chest of acrylics for a while. "You can come here now."

Emma upon hearing the consent, walked to the said room. She peaked first still a little unsure but was only met by Regina and her small smile and then she saw the gown Regina's been working on.

Regina, eyeing the blonde earlier, ducked her head, though she continued staring at the Princess. Hidden behind her eye lashes, she watched as the blonde stared at the gown in the middle of the room to Regina back to the gown a lot of times. She's still ducking her head, willing her smile grace her lips and when she felt she can suppress it enough, she finally looked up.

"You're going?" the blonde asked, amazement evident in her voice.

Regina rolled her eyes, playfully chastising the woman, "Seeing I already have a dress, you still asked."

Emma rolled her eyes too, still with a smile in her face. "I actually came here to apologize about my behavior a few days ago."

The older woman only gave a curt nod. Not really thinking about Emma's abrupt departure the last time they saw each other, instead, she picked up the bare mask she's planning to wear. It was cut not like a usual mask is and usually used by the gentlemen, instead of covering just the eyes her mask is almost covering her whole face. The only seen part is the left part of her mouth, successfully covering the right part where her scar is. "This will be the mask I'm going to use. It's still bare because I promised Alice I will let her design it later when she come home. If you'll stay you might be able to see its design," Regina explained to the blonde with a smile.

"Of course," the Princess is listening half-heartedly because she's too occupied admiring Regina. The reason may be the brunette's smile, or may be the effort Regina made, if all the beads and sewing materials are to go by, or simply the thought of seeing Regina in that dress.

For a moment, they didn't say a word. There may be a few meters separating them but their closeness is enough.

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