The A Team.

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 This is one hella long chapter, so brace yourself. And yes, before you ask, Liam is in this chapter. Enjoy. ;)

                     The news of Anna's death spreads like wildfire throughout the whole town.

No matter where I turn or went, someone is always talking about it. They don't seem to really care if I'm listening or not.

I mean, it's no secret that Anna and I were good friends. They weren't oblivious to that fact, but for whatever reason, they didn't seem to care if them talking about Anna would cause me pain. 

Which it did. 

But I didn't run away from those feelings like I thought I would. I guess I just realized that by running away from my emotions, I was doing more bad then I was doing good. I had to face the fact that Anna was gone in order to move on.

So, that's why when the funeral happened, I went. I went and I offered whatever words of comfort I could up with to Mr & Mrs. S. They seemed grateful and surprised when I showed up. Almost as if they expected me to ditch out on Anna's funeral.

I guess a lot of people suspected I would. Everyone was pretty shocked that I had decided to go rather then running away, like I did when my mother died. 

I had opened up at the funeral. I said a few words before they buried her, though my speech was nothing significant, Mr & Mrs. S still smiled and said thank you. It made me feel good in a sense. Because for once in my life, I felt like I was finally doing something right. And I wasn't doing to make others happy, I was doing it because wanted to be happy.

At the end of the day, after the funeral was done, I felt better. And as I went to sleep that night, no nightmares of sort plagued me. 

Though as the days passed, I had my moments of weakness and perhaps vulnerability, and I let those moments happen, no matter how much I loathed it. Because I knew if I didn't, the thought of Anna's death being my fault would ultimately loom in my mind. I was sure I would drive myself crazy if I held those emotions in, so I let them out.

Just when I was alone, of course. I hadn't taken that big of a step and actully turned to someone in my moments of desperation. 

I dealt with them solely alone and it was good enough for me, honestly. No matter how much my mind screamed at me to really just turn to Liam.


I still hadn't seen him. And I was beginning to worry more then ever. I had tried going to his cabin and seeing if he was there, but he wasn't. He never was. 

And in result, only concern filled me. Because normally by now Liam would have popped up randomly like he always does, but he hasn't. Though I think I've made that point clear by now.

Nonetheless, I carry on as if it's nothing. Attending school and painting like crazy. The week flew by and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Especially when Ms. J delivered some news that Friday.

"Guess what, Ronnie, guess what!" She came skipping into the art room, clapping her hands together and grinning like a mad man. Or well, mad woman.

"Why not skip the guessing part and just tell me what's up?" I suggest as I glance back at my painting, just slightly distracted by her sudden enthusiasm. 

"There's no fun in that," She states with a small laugh. "Come on, guess."

"Okay," I nod and turn to face her, giving her my full attention. "Well, first off, does it have to do with me?"

"Of course, why else would I be here?"

"Because you work here?" I shrug and drop my paintbrush onto the desk next to me while shimming off my apron that is covered with paint. 

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