Love & Be Loved.

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                                       The drive back to Portland had been crazy. 

Crazy from the start, really. And it had only gotten worse as we continued the long drive back home. It started with Stella and Jeremy screaming at one another, and then me screaming at Liam when he decided he would have to stitch up the deep cuts in my leg. 

When we pulled up to a gas station so Liam could retrieve the supplies that he needed to patch me up with, I had meekly tried to escape out of the van. Only resulting in Jeremy having to yank me back  into the car and Stella snickering in my face the whole, claiming I was being childish and that it was only a few stitches. Immediately, I commanded her to shut up and continued on trying to escape my fate. 

Eventually, once Liam came out with a bag full of supplies, they managed to get situated back into the van. Though it was obviously against my free will.

Jeremy had to hold me down as Liam threaded a freaking needle through my skin. And so I was forced to lay back and merely squirm in pain. 

And once Liam was done stitching me up, I discovered the torture I was enduring wasn't over. He had fetched a bottle of Peroxide from the gas station for my ankle. And I had squealed in pain once he poured it over my wound.

Seriously, I was making some sounds that weren't even human. Then again, I'm not exactly human. But still, it hurt. 

After putting me through hell, Liam finally let me get some sleep. Though my nap only lasted so long before Jeremy and Stella started screaming again. This time they weren't even legibly fighting over a specific reason or whatever. They were simply bickering and picking out one another's flaws. And it gave me the worst headache ever.

If I didn't have a bad leg, I would have leaped over my seat and pounded their faces in until they decided to shut up.

But I couldn't, as I've said before. So I laid back and endured it. Just how I had endured Liam torturing me.

We didn't reach Portland until it was 6 AM. And by then, everyone was grumpy and tired and pissed off at each other for no reason. 

When he reached Liam's cabin, Stella had stormed to the guest room - the room I had been confined to after my unfortunate run in with the Purgatory - and locked the door, even after Jeremy had called dibs.

Jeremy was pissed at her. He had stood outside her door, yelling insults and comebacks I had never heard before. And since Stella had screwed him over, he decided to screw Liam and I over by taking the only room left for himself.

And before Liam and I could even react, he had slammed the door shut and locked the door just like Stella had. 

So Liam and I got stuck with the lumpy couch.

It sucked, pretty much. I just ended up sleeping on Liam once we he laid down on the couch. Though Liam didn't seem to mind much. He simply draped a blanket over us and he was out like a light.

I had stayed up a little longer, unlike Liam, Jeremy, and Stella. It was because I was too engrossed in my thoughts and how exactly I was going to explain to Liam that I had left my pack and how I had declared war on them. Or the fact that Anna had died.

Once the thought of Anna filled my mind, I couldn't shake it off. Not even once I managed to fall asleep. 

I dreamed about her. Though it was nothing horrifying or repulsive or whatever. It was more taunting then anything. Because in my dreams, Anna looked happy and alive and it pained me to think how I might have caused her death.

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