Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Luke walked about the hallways searching for the tyrant's chamber, dressed up in his full body armor and a tall, heavy, metal sword in his hand. He was dazed by the beauty and splendor of the palace. The hallways were decorated with soft carpets, art pieces of all sorts and majestic statues. The prime décor was of full body armors like the one he had worn. Due to being robbed from such luxuries in his childhood, Luke couldn't help but gawk at the splendor around him.

After a lot of roaming around, he finally found the tyrant's chamber. The doors were open and he saw him talk to a thin long black figure of a man. When the tyrant noticed him, he called him over.

"Come here!" ordered Tyranno furiously. Luke wondered to himself whether the tyrant was always yelling at his guards or not.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He rushed towards him and bowed.

"Nicolas, he will be guarding my room tonight." Tyranno said, pointing towards the bent figure.

"Will he be guarding all by himself?"




"Having more guards over here won't be a problem, would it be?"

"I do not want more guards." Tyranno said firmly.

They all stood in silence as the wind rushed by. Tyranno and Knight Nicolas looked in each other's eyes, as if they were having a conversation, while Luke stood there, still bowing down to the tyrant. He wished that he would ask him to rise and start guarding, otherwise he will fall over himself. He had been stopping his groans for a long time, since he did not want to sound weak. His back was aching. The armor made the situation worse because it was so tight and heavy. The back of his head was also hurting due to the helmet.

"Hey you!" shouted Knight Nicolas, "Why are you still bowing down to him? Straighten up and start guarding!"

"Yes Sir." Luke said feebly and stood upright. His back was aching, but he tried his best not to show it. He turned about and stood in the attention position, his eyes facing forward.

"What is going on in the cell? Any revolts or uprisings?" asked Tyranno.

"No revolts in particular, but the blue-eyed man wished to see the blonde again."

"Again? Why is he after her? She is so pathetic. How is she doing anyway?"

"She is kept in a separate cell as per your request. Chained up, no food given; just as the way you wanted. No sign of repentance from her. No words have come out from her mouth so far. We have given her a mug of water twice."

"Do not give her any water from now on. I want her to suffer."

"Sure, father; I mean, Your Majesty."

"Getting me confused with your father again, huh?"

"My apologies, Your Majesty."

"It is alright, Nicolas." Tyranno said as he yawned and walked inside. Knight Nicolas closed the door after him. Then he walked towards Luke thoughtfully and whispered near his head.

"You must be new here since I have not seen you around before. Guard properly as I will keep an eye on you."

"Yes sir." Luke answered, wondering what he meant when he said he will "keep an eye" on him.

Knight Nicolas left, leaving Luke alone in the hallway. It became silent. The only source of light in the hallway was the moonlight entering through the window on his right. Luke had never stayed awake at such an hour. He wasn't feeling sleepy or tired due to his nervousness.

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