Chapter Two

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Ambissia was lying on her bed, her head facing the ceiling. Above her head was a window, wide open, wind blowing in. She and Luke had their dinner and he went to bed. Lost in her world of past, she signed softly and took a deep breath.


"Ambissia! "

"Yes, mother?"

"Could you help me with these logs? "

Ambissia ran towards her mother and picked up the chopped woods, tied them in bundles of twenty and put them on the hand cart. Her mother put some more bundles on it and brushed off the mud off her hands.

Ambissia started pushing the cart and so did her mother. They were taking these bundles to the market for selling them. This was her father's trade, however a few months ago he went to heaven. After that, Ambissia and her mother bonded really well and worked hard to fill their stomachs and pay rent for the house in which they lived.

Ambissia and her mother were pushing the truck really hard through the wet mud. Not only was it difficult to push the heavy thing, but also their feet were getting stuck in the marshy soil. Yet they kept on pushing it, getting wet with their sweat.

They passed by a chariot with the royal emblem of Potentia, with the horses gone and the horseman gone with them, maybe. Ambissia stopped and walked towards the chariot, studying it carefully.

"What is it, Ambissia? What's wrong?"

Her mother called her.

"Mother. It's empty. "

"What? The chariot? "

"Yes. I think someone is in danger. It could be our lovely King Curant. I'll go and search for him. We have got a chance to serve our kingdom. Wait here, mother. Please. "

And then she left , running as fast as her feet could carry her.

"Ambissia! Wait!"

But Ambissia was far in the forest, running. She stopped for a while to take her breath. She was exhausted by the run. Little nourishment and loads of work had made her weak, yet it was not her will, it was her body. Her hands on her knees, she kept panting till the time she felt better. In this wasted time, she figured out what to do.

Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Ambissia let power rush inside her. That was what made Potentia so strong, a kingdom full of magic and power. She felt coolness dip in her warm body, calming her. She imagined this power to like like a cloud, blue in colour, and she imagined it to expand in gigantic blue rings, telling her where King Curant is.

This is not what happened. Power rushed out, but it could only be felt, not seen. Ambissia felt the warmth coming back in, making her powerless again. A jolt of cool power from the right hit her warm skin, just like the evening breeze which cooled her after she was done with her work. She knew where to go now.

She started running towards her right, as fast as her legs could carry. She could have used power to run faster, but her schooling stopped after her father's ventures failed hence, her capacity of using power was less. This, however, didn't stop Ambissia from achieving her goal at the moment. She had to save the King's life.

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