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You hummed happily as you looked at the bright numbers on your screen pass by.


Before you had jumped off the side of the building. You took out your stopwatch app to test yourself in your outstanding increases in speed. Training did pay off after all.

"Aaaaand- beaten by 8 seconds! Looks like I'm getting better" you turned on your heel. Opening the door to the cafe for Katsuki to enter.

"Tch, whatever. Just means I'll have another challenge to surpass." Katsuki tucked his hands in his pockets. Walking inside the cafe doors.

The two of you continued the conversation as you walked up together to the counter. Ordering your drinks you took a seat at the front of the cafe, just by the large window.

"I'm glad we're on break!" you sighed in relief. Staring out the window with your head resting on your hand.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you get a pass on slacking off." Katsuki said. Looking towards you with little to no irritation.

"I know I know. Jeez man you gotta relax, even just a little" you looked at Katsuki with a smile.

The suggestion sent Katsuki into a steaming mess, "I am relaxed!" he shouted.

The loud screech of the chair scooting across the wooden floor took everyone by surprise in the quiet cafe. You quickly held up your hand up to your mouth signaling for him to be quiet, sense the two of you were in a public area.

Katsuki relaxed into his chair, leaning back. Looking out the window he had realized it had begun to snow.

"Look," Katsuki gestured at the window with his head whilst his arms were crossed and tucked away.

You looked, and watched the snow glide down from the gray fluffy clouds. Glancing back over to Katsuki to appreciate your loud, sometimes annoying, explosive childhood friend. To be here with you, it made you feel special. He practically hated everyone besides you and Eijiro so it was...nice, to have him here hanging out with you.

After sitting and chatting while the snow became more persistent, the two of you cleaned up and left.

The other male pulled his hoodie over his head, looking over to his slightly taller friend.

"Wanna race again?" you asked. A bright smile across your face as you waited for his response.

"What's up with you and racing?" Katsuki flared towards you. A little irritated.

"It's just a fun little thing to do! Besides, I heard Midorya is cooking tonight and I want to get the first bite!" you tugged on his sleeve.

"Tch, fine then. But one more thing" Katsuki turned away from you, kneeling down towards the ground. He stood up again, messing with something in his hands.

You tilted your head at the blonde. Confused and curious. Katsuki faced you with a devilish grin on his face. About to ask what Katsuki was up to you stopped. A snowball had hit you directly in the face. It's cold sting bit at your warm skin. Wiping off the snow, and rubbing at your cheeks to warm them, you groaned.

"Bakugo, you're so cheap... how about next time you give me a fair cha..Bakugo?" Looking behind you, up and down the streets, and even back into the cafe. You couldn't find him anywhere.

"What...where..?" you where at a loss.

Your question was soon answered by another snowball landing atop your head. Startled you quickly swept off the snow, and looked up with a glare. There Katsuki was, grinning with another snowball at his disposal.

"Ur on." You grinned back up at him. Taking off down the street you began to glow, your body becoming nothing more but a glowing mass. You shifted into a dragon, a snow dragon. Covered in thick white fur topped off with ice shards that stuck out from your long tail.

Katsuki's eyes slightly widened at the sudden change in your appearance, but it didn't stop his persistence. He made his way atop the cafe, getting a running start to blast off. You flew just past him as he got ready for take off.

Your large reptile body echoed out a growl that was more of a gentle hum. Katsuki understood, "A race it is." he blasted his way through the sky. You glided with the snowfall, letting out a few more hums of excitement.

The race was an interesting one. A boy with blonde spiked hair, and a quirk to match his explosive personality. Flew with a giant, snow covered dragon, that bellowed, and flew high. Any passing citizens would just shrug it off, it was an era of magnificent, life changing, powers. Gifted to those across the seas.

On your way to UA you had just made it, arriving first place. It wasn't a fair race by the end of it though, sense the snow had gotten stronger. Katsuki hopped off of your back, waiting at the dorms entrance for you. Under the roof that came out, which the snow could barely hit.

You shifted back into your normal form, running towards the doors, laughing as you desperately zipped up your hoodie to shield you from the snow.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now