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"Kacchan! Wait up!!"
"This is a race Midorya! We can't wait for anyone!"
"Ha! Idiots I'll beat you this time just you wait!!"

The three young boys ran through the forest, a blonde boy with big red eyes ran under the shadow of the other. His wings casting a shadow over the young blonde, Katsuki smiled and felt the adrenaline rush.

His speed picked up as he began to emerge into the sunlight whilst running past [Y/n].

"Hey!" The winged boy shouted before flapping his wings at a more faster rate. Slowly he got ahead of Katsuki, once further ahead his wings retreated back into thin air and he started running.

"First to the top of the hill wins!" [Y/n] shouted before taking off

Izuku and Katsuki began giving it there all as the two ran. You couldn't help but smile and laugh as you inched your way closer to the top

Victory was yours.

Your fists were high in the air and you stood proud from your victory against the two

"No fair! You used your quirk." Katsuki pouted
"Yeah, so did you! At the very beginning!"
"Whatever." Katsuki spat

The three were now at the top of the hill, the dim light highlighting their features as they watched the sun tuck away behind the mountains.

"It's actually really cool up here" you got up from sitting and began to lift your arms and walked around imitating a plane, "we should make this the hang out spot! Everyday after school we should come here and hangout. I'll call it, the top of the world!"

"But what if we have homework?" Izuku questioned tilting his head.
"We just do it up here!"
"What if it's windy??" Katsuki quickly questioned right after
"You guys are no fun." You said, sitting back down to continue watching the sunset.
Everyday afterwards the three of you went to the top of the hill, you had made it a promise to go everyday. Even when it snowed or the sun would burn the concrete, you still made an effort to go.

As the three of you got older it was you three who sat at the top of the world.

Then two

Then one...

You watched the sunset, the sun you've watched tuck itself away so many times before. Then you looked up at the sky, the clouds drifted calmly and you smiled. Your wings tucked around you to keep warm from the cold breeze then you looked around.

It was just you and your thoughts. All alone, at the top of the world. The sun now gone and only a bit of light shined, the clouds became cold and dark and everything seemed to lose its colors.

"What happened..?" You thought "what happened to us?" A frown on your face you stood up and shook your feathers before taking off to return home.

A feather breaking free from the giant wings drifted softly down to the tree that rested at the top of the hill. The feather laid there at its stump and not even a gush of wind blew it away. It laid there waiting, and watching.

At the top of the world.


Your eyes opened and reality flushed back into your mind.

Helping yourself lean up right you looked around, people were being wrapped in bandages and Heros rushed around helping anyone they could. One thing caught your eye though. Izuku carrying in a boy with blonde hair "Bakugo..." you whispered.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now